T.0. 1A-10A-1 LABEL/LINE SELECT KEY Time to go Desired magnetic heading Destination latitude **I.atitude line key Destination longitude **Longitude line key Destination UTM grid and spheroid Grid and spheroid line key Area, castings & northings **Eastings & northings line key Computed ground speed Wind direction/velocity *Denotes change of format or function. **Denotes an enterable gquantity, DESTINATION PAGE FUNCTION Time to destination in minutes and tenths for times 10 minutes or greater. Times less than 10 minutes are shown i1n minutes and seconds. Desired magnetic heading in degrees (wind corrected) to selected destination. Destination latitude in degrees, minutes, seconds. Allows entry of destination latitude, Destination longitude in degrees, minutes, seconds. Allows entry ot destination longitude. Destination UTM zone of up to 2 numeric and one alpha character and spheroid model in three alpha or alpha numeric characters. Allows entry of grid and spheroid codes from the scratchpad. Area in 2 alpha characters, eastings in 4 numbers and northings in 4 numbers indicating tens of meters. Allows UTM eastings & northings to be entered from the scratchpad. Latitude entrics for UTM must be less than 80° N or S latitude. Computed (predicted) ground speed in knots to selected destina- tion. Based on last computed wind, assuming present true airspeed remains constant. Wind direction in degrees and velocity in knots. 1-100 Figure [-48. (Sheet 2 of 2)