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Material Science


Feb 20, 2024





Uploaded by ProfessorReindeer5111

Course Number MTL200 Course Title Materials Science Fundamentals Semester/Year Winter 2024 Instructor Dr. Hasan Mohammed Hasibul TA name Georgia Jovanovic Lab/ Tutorial Report No. 1 Report Title LEAD - TIN PHASE DIAGRAM Section No. 11 Lab Experiment No. 4 Submission Date February 9, 2024 Due Date February 9, 2024 Student Name Student No. Signature Natalia Paz 501231542 Kyril Couture 501244998 Christina Vanniasinghe 501255973 Alanna Paniccia 501181913 Sanjayan Visagendran 501227296 SV
ABSTRACT Tin and lead alloys are very important alloys that contain 98 percent tin and are used in solder . Soldering is a way used for joining metal parts to form a mechanical or electrical bond. The strength of the tin and lead alloys increase with higher tin content, but the melting point is lowered. This information is very important for this lab because the goal of this lab is to find the percent of tin of the unknown alloy. The way to find this unknown alloy is to find how different alloys with different percent of tin react to temperature and this will help find the relation between temperature and amount of tin. Each alloy will be represented by a cooling curve and it will help us visualize the difference between each alloy. This alloy is very important because it helps engineering bind wires and different materials together. The high strength and low melting point alloys this material very unique it creates a strong metallic surface that can be shaped as whatever is desired. This experiment takes 1 to 1 hr and 30 min and requires a lot of precision . INTRODUCTION The purpose of this laboratory experiment is to investigate binary alloys, specifically lead (Pb) and tin (Sn), using phase diagrams and cooling curves. The key goals include understanding the behavior of Pb-Sn alloys, outlining parts of the phase diagram, and plotting cooling curves to identify solidification patterns. By studying the solidification process, the aim of the lab is to demonstrate material properties that are important for many applications in materials science. Applications include, but are not limited to, determining mechanical strength, corrosion resistance of alloys, and thermal conductivity. Furthermore, the composition of the alloy containing an undefined percentage of tin will be determined. The composition of the alloy can be deduced through temperature monitoring and analysis, which improves understanding of binary alloy behavior and allows for practical alloy composition assessments. APPARATUS/ EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE First our group split up and everyone was responsible for each component. Each component has tin but they all vary in the amount of tin one of the components had an unknown percentage of tin and lead . The objective was to find out what this missing component percent was. The way to find the unknown percentage was by seeing how each component deals with temperature. All five temperatures started at different temperatures. Each component is connected to a furnace. Our job was to turn off the furnace which caused the temperature to slowly go down. We noted down each temperature every 30 seconds until the sample comes to a temperature of 150 o C . This experiment ranged in time some components took an 1hr and some took more than an 1hr 30 minutes.
Materials Furnace Temperature reader laptop/notepad Pb-Sn alloys RESULTS, CALCULATIONS Figure 1. Temperature vs Time cooling curve for 80% Sn Figure 2. Temperature vs Time cooling curve for 60% Sn
Figure 3. Temperature vs Time cooling curve for 20% Sn Figure 4. Temperature vs Time cooling curve for 40% Sn
Figure 5. Temperature vs Time cooling curve for X% Sn Figure 6. Phase Diagram The graphs above display the compositions of lead-tin alloys, specifically at 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80% tin content, as well as an unidentified amount of tin. These compositions are plotted against the phase diagram of lead-tin alloys, illustrating the phases present at different temperature conditions. Each graph contains two green highlighted points that represent the beginning and end of the solidification process. The phase diagram shown in Figure 6 outlines the boundaries between the solid phases, such as alpha, beta, and liquid phases, as well as any
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