As a rule of thumb, grocery store chains spend anywhere between 0.02 and 4 percent of their revenue on their marketing budget, with an average of 1.25% of sales being allocated to advertising (Cloud, 2017). If Sobeys wants to beat the competition, we recommend allocating 2% of the company’s revenues to the marketing budget, totaling an estimated $515 million. To maximize the efficiency of the marketing spend, it is best to prioritize high impact projects and focus medium-to-high levels of effort on them. Since Sobeys is looking to reach the 13–18-year-
old demographic, higher levels of effort should be focused on social media campaigns targeting this age group. Adolescents spend a great deal of time browsing social media, where 40% of content contains branded images or companies advertising their products and services, so Sobeys must make themselves relevant and active on these platforms (Qutteina et al., 2019). Another high impact marketing opportunity for the company is enhancing their in-store branding and promotional displays. This will play a big role in creating a welcoming atmosphere for all demographics while cultivating customer loyalty and stronger brand association. Bragg, M., Lutfeali, S., Greene, T., Osterman, J., & Dalton, M. (2021). How Food Marketing on Instagram Shapes Adolescents' Food Preferences: Online Randomized Trial. Journal of medical Internet research, 23(10), e28689.
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