GM506 diss 3



Purdue University *

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Feb 20, 2024





Uploaded by DrDinosaurPerson592

Financial forecasting is a tool used to base an organization's future on. Making estimates of sales, inventory, account payable and receivable allows an organization to develop a plan to finance (Block et al., 2022). Estimates are made using the best information available to the estimator, but they are still estimates and the plan may not come to fruition. An organization can develop contingency plans for different scenarios to be prepared for multiple outcomes. Even if a scenario is not completely covered in contingency plans actual results can be compared to the plan and help guide an adaptation to meet actual conditions. In operations I always have at least one extra way to meet a production requirement in case there is an equipment failure. Thinking through scenarios can prevent poor decision making in the heat of the moment when a plan falls apart. In my experience the moment you realize a plan has failed panic can set in and cloud judgement. Often in operations one of the first things to disappear is safety procedures. Procedures can take time that you do not think you have anymore. If you are not mentally prepared, you look for shortcuts. If an organization does not have a financial plan, they may have difficulty obtaining financing to meet obligations, or even realize they need to find financing in the first place (Block et al., 2022). Investors should be cautious about relying heavily on proforma statements (Kiosse, 2009). Investors may expect management to maximize earnings per share and report proforma statements that reflect this effort. There is a potential for managers to lower proforma results with a mindset that actual results will exceed and make their performance seem enhanced. On the other hand, a manager may exclude non-recurring items and report higher estimates on proforma statements. This could be caused by not underestimating the impact of the excluded item. In the end proforma statements are “best guesses” (Block et al., 2022). Managers may have all the best information and historical averages to go on and then a year like 1929 or 2020 happens and all the best intentions in the world become meaningless.  
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