Weekly Discussion 7 - Interview Questions



Utah Valley University *

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Jun 18, 2024





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HR Interview Example Questions 1. May I request you to provide an overview of your professional background and relevant experiences? 2. In your opinion, which specific competencies do you consider necessary to effectively fulfill the requirements of the position? 3. Could you please share the reason(s) for leaving your previous job? 4. What would you say was the most significant challenge you faced in your previous employment? 5. Our organization attaches great importance to values and objectives alignment. Could you kindly indicate which of our company values resonates with you the most? 6. What motivated you to apply for the role of project manager, and how do you envision this position contributing to your career advancement? 7. Could you elaborate on a project you led that required effective collaboration with team members from diverse backgrounds? 8. Can you take us through an example of a project that you successfully managed from its initiation to its completion? 9. How do you handle conflicts that may arise due to miscommunications in a project? 10. As a project manager working in rural regions, you may encounter various challenges, such as limited resources. How do you maintain flexibility and creativity in such situations? 11. What are your long-term personal goals, and how do you perceive your current role as bringing you closer to achieving them?
12. Can you provide an example of a project where you had to manage multiple stakeholders with differing priorities? 13. How do you prioritize competing demands in a project, such as meeting deadlines, maintaining quality standards, and fulfilling stakeholder expectations? 14. Do you have any inquiries regarding the organization, the position, or the recruitment process? Shakeri, H., Khalilzadeh, M., Raslanas, S., & Zavadskas, E. K. (2021). What do project managers need to know to succeed in face-to-face communication Economic Research- Ekonomska Istrazivanja  34 (1), 1094–1120. https://doi.org/10.1080/1331677X.2020.1819851  Schwind, H., Uggerslev, K., Wagar, T., & Fassina. N. (2019) Canadian  Human Resource Management  (12th Ed). New York: McGraw Hill. 
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