Cindy’s prac responses



The University of Sydney *

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Jun 2, 2024





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Essay Feedback Week 3: Based on Compsis’ current resources, what is the best course of action Compsis should take? Justify your answer. Based on Compsis’ current resources, it is best if they expand internationally to Latin America, before developing their reservoir of resources and experience to prepare themselves for entry into the US. This is because although Compsis has many key resources, they only grant a competitive advantage in Brazil. For example, their strong reputation will be overshadowed in the US market (pg 9). However, Compsis also cannot stay in Brazil as it is a limited market (pg 11) and there is no guarantee the government will reopen concession grants. As a result, it is a safer and more economically viable option to expand to Latin America. Why Compsis Should Not Stay in Brazil: Compsis should not remain in Brazil, since they cannot earn revenue and there is no guarantee that the government will resume granting toll concessions. From exhibit 6 (pg 15), it is evident that the projected ETC revenues in Brazil has been falling in past years, as it decreased from 52 million in 2005 to 0 in 2008. Thus, if Compsis stays in Brazil, they will be unable to earn income unless they brought their business elsewhere. On the other hand, it can be argued that it is more beneficial for Compsis to stay in Brazil and wait until the government resumes the process of giving out toll highway concessions. This is because Compsis is well-recognised in Brazil for their quality and technological expertise (pg 1) and they possess favourable partnerships with organisations such as Brazilian engineering universities (pg 9). However, even the Brazilian government begins to grant toll concessions again, the market is limited and Compsis will inevitably seek growth by expanding to other countries. Why Compsis Should Not Expand to the US: Expanding to the US is risky, as Compsis is unprepared for the US market. Although Compsis has had experience in expansion through their ventures in Australia (pg 5) and India (pg 6), they only have a 50% success rate and moving to such an unfamiliar market would be risky. For instance, Compsis is unaccustomed with the US bidding system, the Requests for Proposals (RFPs) (pg 8), hence they would be at a disadvantage in comparison to other US companies when attempting to obtain contracts. According to the resource-based view (RBV), every firm has assets with traits that grants sustained competitive advantage (Black and Boal, 1994). Compsis has few resources which would grant it sustained competitive advantage in the US market. For example, utilising the VRIN framework, their strong brand image is a resource that provides sustained competitive advantage. Their brand is valuable because Compsis is easily recognisable in Brazil, rare because few companies possess a brand as strong as Compsis, non-imitable since every firm has a unique brand and non-substitutable because the benefits of brand image cannot be easily replicated. However, this key resource is useless in the US as Compsis is unknown in this country (pg 9). Therefore, it can be argued that it is more favourable for Compsis to develop an array of technologies in Latin America before entering the US market, to differentiate themselves and possess multiple ways to earn revenue. It is important to note that the VRIN framework does not factor in the constant shifts of the business world, making it difficult to determine sources of sustained competitive advantage. Hence it is useful to employ other frameworks such as PESTLE to more accurately define Compsis’ resources that provide sustained competitive advantage. Additionally, the US ETC industry is dominated by a few key firms (pg 7) which would make it difficult for Compsis to gain a significant portion of the market share. It is possible here would be a good opportunity tosnow critical thinking by snowing alternative recommendation recommended that In A In first paragraph state what the resourcesare c profit max prospectsmaybecomprimm Iso Fpportunity to include urin valuable rare Partnership leads to what competitive advantage presentential threats new paragraph new para effectiveness account c
Compsis may be overshadowed by larger competitors. Alternatively, since Compsis has strong technological expertise and is skilled at ensuring quality, (pg 1), the firm may be able to win a bid in the RFP process with contractors who places much weight on these factors. Using these jobs as a springboard, Compsis can establish themselves well, and potentially earn huge amounts of revenue due to the large size of the US market (pg 7). Why Should Compsis Expand to Latin America: As a result, Compsis should expand to Latin America to enhance their range of resources. When expanding to Latin America, Compsis should specifically target Chile, as it has 31% of the divided ETC projects (pg 15). Compsis can develop cheap, inexpensive technology for Latin America since the market is inexperienced with toll roads and would want simple solutions (pg 6). Meanwhile, Compsis should use most of their funds to undertake research and development (R&D) into their other ITS projects such as ATMS and SMV, to expand their repertoire of resources, whilst simultaneously enhancing their international experience. This R&D is significant since exhibit 2 (pg 12) clearly displays how revenues from SICAT has been decreasing, from 44.2 million in 2002 to 10.4 million in 2004. Latin America is a safer choice than the US because although Compsis would still be unknown, its small market ensures there is no risk of Compsis getting squeezed out by larger competitors (unlike the US). Furthermore, its growing market has great potential and if the ETC industry explodes, Compsis would enjoy first-mover advantages. Once Compsis has gained enough resources and experience, they are in a much better position to prepare for expansion to the US. Conclusion: Overall, since a few of Compsis’ key resources only provide sustained competitive advantage in Brazil, the best course of action for Compsis to take would be move to Latin America to enhance its collection of resources and acquire additional international experience. Then, Compsis can prepare for expansion into the US. Words: 911 Week 4: What is the biggest challenge to First Solar? The biggest challenge to First Solar is the threat of Chinese entrants flooding the US market with cheap panels. In addition to this, First Solar experienced a multitude of challenges including falling government rapport due to the global financial crisis (GFC) and falling silicon prices. But overall, the Chinese entrants is the most dominant threat because their overproduction of solar panels drives down prices, which detrimentally impacts First Solar’s operations. Other Challenges: One challenge First Solar is facing is falling government subsidiaries due to the global financial crisis (GFC) (pg 1). This means/this results in reduced demand and revenue, which leads to declining cash flow for First Solar. Another challenge is the falling silicon prices, which fell from $475/kg to $65/kg from 2008-2011 (pg 3). This benefits First Solar’s competitors who produced silicon-based panels (pg 2) because it lowers their costs. However, these threats are not the dominant challenge to First Solar because they will likely not have great/significant long-term impact on the company. After the government recovers from the GFC, they may resume granting subsidies in the future. Additionally, despite the competitive advantage competitors reap from falling silicon prices, many of First Solar’s competitors such as Goldman Sachs Group and Solyndra have filed for bankruptcy (pg 12-13). This demonstrates the benefits from this competitive advantage is limited and does not place First Solar at a severe disadvantage. whichgourd be negative Tunstantial n'to access FEEDBACK great use of evidence specificity page numbers to support try to be arguments less colloquial strengthen this more Tithe Arguments made were well argued however clarity in expression may through useof more clearly of your piece topic sentences the communication paragraphs This will makeit easier to read É 0 ing Iduced as a consequence of G F C Decreased atheist a challenge as it g confused what Ematier
Biggest Challenge: The threat of Chinese entrants is the most dominant challenge because it will likely produce the most long-term damage in comparison to the other challenges First Solar is facing. Due to Chinese government subsidiaries, the development of solar panels accelerated, resulting in the overproduction of solar panels (pg 7). Due to the vast volume, the Chinese ditched millions of panels in the US market, leading seven PV manufactures to file an anti-dumping lawsuit with the Department of Commerce and the International Trade Commission in 2011 (pg 12). This displays the severity of the Chinese entry. Furthermore, this forces PV companies such as First Solar to reduce their prices close to their manufacturing costs which will adversely impact their operations in the long-term. This Chinese entrance into the PV industry reflects the economic powershift megatrend as China claims a larger portion of the economic output (Sydney Business Insights, 2020). Therefore, it is likely that this trend will continue, and First Solar will need to adapt to competing with Chinese competitors in the future. As a result, the challenge of Chinese entrants is the biggest threat because it poses the potential to impact First Solar in the long-term. Conclusion: Although First Solar faces numerous challenges such as falling silicon prices and reduced government subsidies, the most dominant threat is Chinese entrants. This is because they pose the greatest long- term threat as they reflect the economic powershift megatrend, entering the PV industry to stimulate overproduction and drive down prices. Week 7: What Orsato’s strategy in the Orsato framework is Nike using to integrate the environment into their business thinking? Use evidence from the case study to support your argument. Introduction: Using Orsato’s framework, it can be determined that Nike is following the beyond compliance leadership strategy to integrate the environment into their business thinking as the company is altering their design process to achieve sustainability, even though it comes with challenges. The beyond compliance leadership strategy involves a company differentiating themselves via their organisational processes, usually adopting an Environmental Management System (EMS) and raising awareness about their efforts (Module 7.6). Nike reflects these characteristics through establishing the Considered strategy. Why is it Beyond Compliance Leadership? Nike’s Considered strategy involves focus on the design process to improve a shoe’s eco-friendliness (pg 5). This strategy is clearly Nike’s EMS because it outlines methods for achieving sustainable products via the Considered Index (pg 7). Hence, Nike’s Considered strategy demonstrates how they are differentiating themselves via their organisational process (by altering the design process). Another trait of beyond compliance leadership according to Orsato (2006) is that a business would publicise their environmental efforts to enhance their reputation. Nike has achieved this by launching the Air Jordan basketball shoe in 2008, worn by the celebrity Michael Jordon (pg 1). This publicity will raise awareness of Nike’s Considered products and encourage consumers to purchase them. Why is it not Eco-Efficiency? It is evident that Nike has not implemented the eco-efficiency strategy. For instance, the Considered strategy creates many challenges in the company. For example, using environmentally preferred tf situational contextual what's the effect ofthis or what me too casual legal ramifications cement associated with love that you incorporated structure coursework mega trend for clarity maybe stick to Porter's 5 topic sentence A critical thinking endent explain theory relate in you justifying why to case relate to coursework or your selected challenge is something like that so most dominantie why it is easier for others are not marker to follow great intro so clear faracteristic Cann this public awareness point ban owns it is beyond legal this is because compliance a
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