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May 20, 2024





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1 Unit 8 Assignment 2 IT395 Certified Ethical Hacking II Eric Clarkson Purdue Global University Professor Donald McCracken October 17, 2023
2 Intellectual property theft is a serious problem that has far-reaching consequences for the global economy. In the United States, it is defined as the unlawful use or exploitation of another person's creative work without their consent. This is a violation of legal, ethical, and moral standards that can lead to significant harm. From a cultural standpoint, intellectual property theft is damaging to the deeply embedded principles of innovation and creativity in American society. Intellectual property rights have been preserved in the United States for a long time, which has created an environment of innovation and entrepreneurship (Longo, 2019). These rights allow creators to protect their investment in their work and prevent others from benefiting from it. This stimulates innovation, providing creators with fair compensation for their labor. The principles of fairness and justice underpin moral arguments against intellectual property theft. Profiting from someone else's hard work without their consent is essentially unfair and unjust, just as stealing someone's physical property is. Intellectual property theft deprives original work producers of the fruits of their labor and creativity. It also hurts society as a whole by suppressing innovation and creativity, both of which are necessary for economic growth and advancement. Aside from legal concerns, there are various other reasons to believe that stealing another's work product is wrong. Firstly, it breaks down trust and collaboration among individuals and groups, instilling mistrust and antagonism that can harm relationships. Secondly,
3 it fosters a culture of entitlement and sloth, in which people believe they are entitled to the results of others' labor without exerting any effort themselves. This can lead to complacency and a lack of creativity, both of which are detrimental to the economy and society as a whole. It is crucial to appeal to both cultural and moral principles to alter the minds of those who do not understand the necessity for stronger intellectual property rights for software. From a cultural standpoint, it is imperative to emphasize the benefits of innovation and creativity for economic growth and development. Intellectual property rights are critical for developing an innovative culture that may fuel economic growth and open up new opportunities for firms and individuals. From a moral standpoint, it is critical to emphasize the ideals of fairness and justice that underpin intellectual property rights. Theft of another's work product is wrong since it is unfair and unjust to profit from someone else's hard work without their permission. It affects original work producers by denying them the benefits of their effort and ingenuity, and it also harms society as a whole by discouraging innovation and creativity. In conclusion, intellectual property theft is a critical issue that impacts not just the US economy but also the global economy. By acknowledging the cultural and moral principles that underpin intellectual property rights, we may move towards stronger protections for original work. By highlighting the benefits of invention and creativity, as well as the ideals of fairness and justice, we may establish a society that respects intellectual property rights, promoting a
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