Unit 11 Forum
Find a video of a public speaker that you think is effective and persuasive. (Ted Talks
are a great source.) Analyze the speaker's performance, consider:
What elements of the presentation stood out?
What was strongest: the presentation's content or the presenter's
Did the presenter use visual aids? Did they support the presenter's content?
Did the speaker engage the audience? If so, how?
How can you apply these exemplars to your own presentation (in this course
and in the future)?
Craft your analysis into a few paragraphs and paste a link to the video and your written
analysis into the Forum post.
great post and video! Thanks for that. I found her talk really captivating.
Sharing personal stories in front of such a large audience must be
intimidating, but the presenter did a great job of telling her story with
conviction. I agree, the visual aids she used were effective to illustrate her
point, especially the before/after images.
I’m sure, anyone who’s been on a weight loss journey knows the mountain of
mental challenge that it poses, along with the physical. The main
contributing factor here being that there doesn’t exist a single solution. I
think the presenter did a great job of addressing this and explaining how to
break this ‘complex problem’ down.
Another aspect of the talk that I really liked is that the way the presenter
structured their speech made it easy to follow her. This, I think, is something
that a lot of people struggle with. As a presenter, any structure that they
make would make perfect sense to them as they know the whole context.
But often people forget that their audience’s knowledge on the issue is
limited and discounting this may cause the presenter to have a structure that
may not be able to hold the audience’s attention throughout. I think Anna
here did a great job of avoiding that peril.