Interpretations (Correct Answer) - ✅✅
are one- or two-page documents that answer specific questions about practice. Computerized version: (Correct Answer) - ✅✅
Although hard copies of the DCFS Rules are distributed by DCFS to all contracted agencies, the DCFS Rules are available also on the DCFS Web page (
). True or False: Agencies contracted by DCFS are private agencies because the agencies' boards of directors decide their business and practices. Illinois' child welfare system is often referred to as a public/private partnership between DCFS, a public agency, and the many private child welfare agencies contracted by DCFS to provide child welfare services. (Correct Answer) - ✅✅
True Family Maintenance (Correct Answer) - ✅✅
enables families to remain intact by preventing further harm their children and stabilizing the home environment. Substitute/Foster Care: (Correct Answer) - ✅✅
provides temporary placements to ensure safety. Children Family Reunification (Correct Answer) - ✅✅
Family Reunification services facilitate the timely and safe return of children to their families. Adoption and Support (Correct Answer) - ✅✅
encourages adoption of children who cannot return home. Family-Centered Services (Correct Answer) - ✅✅
consist of support, preservation or a blend of both.