All users of computing systems have experienced at least one computer attack from malware. Research one malware attack that you or someone else experienced. From your perspective explain:
What happened?
What type of damage was inflicted?
How was the damage repaired?
How was the computer fixed after the attack?
How can the attack be avoided in the future?
Hello professor and class,
At some point in our lives many of us have attempted to download a song, video, movie or software for free to avoid having to pay a fee for it. The risks associated with doing this are one that it is illegal and two it puts the user at high risk of unintentionally installing malware that can ruin their computer and put their data at risk. Having grown up with a father that was a database administrator did not stop me from trying to download a few videos and music at one point (LimeWire, etc.). Our Norton Security would run a scan and identify harmful files that were trying to download along with the music or video files. Fortunately for me the antivirus software would identify the malware before it was too late so I did
not have any damage inflicted. I did however have an issue about a year ago that caused my computer to be stuck in a script read Windows 10 mode. It was not a malware issue, however I had to pay Geek Squad at Best Buy to get it fixed. It was an issue of downloading the wrong software from Azure. This could have been a much worse scenario had I downloaded the software from a site other than Azure.