SEC220_Lab2 Part1_Symmetric Encryption_updated24Jan2022



Seneca College *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school




Information Systems


Jun 23, 2024





Uploaded by BailiffEnergy11817

SEC220 Lab 2 Part 1 Lab 2 Part 1: Symmetric Encryption Overview: In this lab you’ll be introduced to Symmetric Encryption through Caesar Cipher. Objective: 1. Applying symmetric encryption to encrypt your name. 2. Applying symmetric encryption to decrypt messages. The sections highlighted in: green do not require IFS Lab or VM Workstation Pro & Windows 10 yellow require VM Workstation Pro & Windows 10 red require the IFS Lab Blue the screenshots you need to include in your lab report The Lab Activities Part 1: Encrypt your full name with a shift of 12, and complete the following table: Submit this table in your lab report Encryption algorithm Caesar Shift Encryption key 12 Plaintext [Student Full Name] Ciphertext [Result] Part 2: Play Desert Oasis game at Page 1 of 2
SEC220 Lab 2 Part 1 After you finished each part of the game, take a screenshot to prove that you finished that stage. Note : While taking screenshots, make sure time/date and customized wallpaper is visible. Lab Report Write-up Submit your lab results using the template provided for lab 0. Deliverable Submit your lab report to Blackboard (Learn@Seneca) under the appropriate week. Your report must contain the following: 1- Your name & student number 2- Screenshots as requested above 3- Each screen shot must show: a. System date & time b. Your customized background c. Caption describing what the screenshot is about Notes: Labs submitted one week late, will lose 50% of the grade automatically, and if later than that, it will be assigned a grade of ‘F’. Late Assignments still need to be satisfactorily completed and submitted by the end of the semester to meet SEC220’s Promotion Requirements Page 2 of 2
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