Week 2



University of North Texas *

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Information Systems


Jun 19, 2024





Uploaded by AmbassadorIceRhinoceros30

1)In the video "Cloud Computing in 6 Minutes," what were the five features discussed when comparing the differences of scaling up using an on-premises versus a cloud solution for a small software development firm? Do you agree with the presenters' assessment of every feature discussed? Please explain. The five features discussed in the video are SCALABILITY, SERVER STORAGE, DATA SECURITY, DATA LOSE, MAINTENACE. As per my point of view I agree with the presenter’s assessment of every feature discussed. Firstly, in term of the scalability Cloud computing does offers better features than on premises, in cloud its is way too flexible, and cost-effective, whereas on-premises is costly and difficult to make changes if any budget issues. Then coming to the point which I totally agree with the storage management, it is way too hard to maintain in real as it requires a large physical space and heavy security to protect the data, but the cloud eliminates the need of physical space. In terms of data security I some what agree with it cause I believe few firm might require complex physical security cause few like to prefer this due to cyber-attacks and hacker on the web, although Cloud offers advanced security. In conclusion, I agree with it depending on the firm I think of. Cloud is better in term of retaining the lost data, as it has better option and easy to recover the data than the premises. Lastly, I Strongly agree with it as Cloud providers handle maintenance, reducing costs and resource needs as On-premises requires dedicated maintenance teams. Overall, I agree with the presenter's assessments. Reference: "Cloud Computing in 6 Minutes" video on YouTube: Cloud Computing in 6 Minutes 2)In the video "Cloud Computing in 6 Minutes," the narrator discussed the deployment and service models. If you were a healthcare facility's Chief Data Officer (CDO), which deployment model and service model would you choose for your organization? Explain why you selected each type. If I was a healthcare facility chief data office, I would choose the hybrid cloud and platform as service provider. Because in hybrid cloud deployment model the cloud is combination of public and private cloud services, which allows organizations to mix and match the service according to their applications and data. As I believe and think that in a health care sector there would deal with highly sensitive data it would require a private cloud to storage the data so that it cannot be shared and use by all. And the data which needs to be shared and utilized within the sector can be stored in published clous as it is less sensitive. I would choose PaaS as I think this
healthcare sector need application which needs updates frequently and this PaaS provides a one platform for developing, testing, and deploying. Not only that but it is easily scale as the organization grow, which can handle new applications. lastly its low maintenance service. Reference: Bigelow, S. J., & Karjian, R. (n.d.). What is hybrid cloud? The ultimate guide. https://www.techtarget.com/searchcloudcomputing/definition/hybrid-cloud Google Cloud. (n.d.). What is PaaS? Retrieved June 11, 2024, from https://cloud.google.com/learn/what-is-paas 3) According to the article "Eight Steps in the Data Life Cycle," the author states, "No two data projects are identical" and "nearly all data projects follow the same basic life cycle from start to finish"? Do you agree with these statements? Why or why not? I strongly Agree with the author on the statements "No two data projects are identical" and "nearly all data projects follow the same basic life cycle from start to finish" Every project has its own context and different requirement based on the client as on client would not have the same type of requirement as the other, not just that but also every project comes with unique characteristics and challenges which should satisfy the needs be fulfilled, so at the end of the project ever project would be kind of similar but not same therefore which comes to and agreement that no two data project are identical. Yes, all the project even if there are unique and different from each project there must follow the basic life cycle from the start to end, although most data projects adhere to a common framework of stages: Generation, Collection, Storage, Management, Analysis, Visualization, and Interpretation. These stages ensure flow, structured and systematic approach to managing and use data effectively. Overall following the life cycle offers a clear framework which help to access and manage the task easily. therefore By following a structured life cycle it helps om data projects maintain clarity, organization, and efficiency from start to finish, ensuring successful outcomes and valuable insights. Reference: Stobierski, T. (2021, February 2). 8 Steps in the Data Life Cycle Links to an external site. . HBS Online
4)In the article "The Data Life Cycle," the author discusses the same eight steps as in the HBS Online article, except she added one more step. What was that additional step? Why do you think the HBS Online article did not include it? In the article “The Data Life Cycle," apart from the 8 steps the additional step discussed are: Archival and destruction. As per the author The eight steps which is included in the HBS online article outlined an effective framework for thinking about a data project’s life cycle. Which is commonly known and followed by all. But these aren’t the only steps to be followed and also It isn’t the only way to think about data. Therefore, the other commonly cited framework breaks the data life cycle into the following phases: Creation, Storage, Usage, Archival and Destruction. Although this framework's phases use slightly different terms, they largely align with the steps outlined in this article. Reference: Stobierski, T. (2021, February 2). 8 Steps in the Data Life Cycle Links to an external site. . HBS Online 5)According to the article "Cloud Computing Security Explained," what were the five questions addressed? Which question taught you the most about the challenges faced with cloud security? Explain why. The five Questions Addressed in "Cloud Computing Security Explained" are as followed: What is cloud security? What are cloud security threats? What is cloud workload security? What is data security in cloud computing? What is infrastructure security in cloud computing? While reading this article The question – what are the cloud security threats? felt the most challenging part. As the technology is growing the usages of cloud platforms has been rapidly increasing parallelly the risk is increasing, as per the article Cyber threats are becoming increasingly
sophisticated and frequent in today's digital age, with 43% of all cyber-attacks targeted at small businesses specifically (Kansas City IT Consulting Company, n.d.). I believe Understanding this cloud security threats is important because it explains us the different types of cyberattack that can harm cloud systems and data and lead to many circumstances. The article highlighted the main(key) types of attacked Malware: this are one kind of attacks done on the cloud basically it’s a program or files which steal the data or getting the access to unauthorized data. To protect the data from these attacks we can install antivirus software. Weak credentials: Weak passwords eg: 1234 abcd or using the first or last names, can be a big security risk because they make it easy for attackers to break into systems and steal the data. In order to overcome this it better if one can use a strong password like a combination of alphabets and number with special charters. A 2-factor authentication. And the rest like Human error Security system misconfiguration, Denial of service (DDoS) are mostly caused due to the human negligence in order to overcome these its better to provide employees with at most training. I personally believe that understanding the various threats to cloud security is crucial because it helps in creating a defense strategy. Each threat type requires specific processes and techniques to protect and the data from attackers. By learning about these threats, one can better appreciate the complexity of cloud security and the multifaceted approach needed to protect cloud environments effectively eventually it is essential for developing robust security measures that can adapt to evolving threats and safeguard valuable data and resources. Reference: Kansas City IT Consulting Company. (n.d.). Cloud computing security explained . Digital Journal. Retrieved June 13, 2024, from https://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/news/press-services/cloud- computing-security-explained-by-kansas-city-it-consulting-company#google_vignette Puzas, D. (2024, April 1). 12 cloud security issues: Risks, threats, and challenges . CrowdStrike. Retrieved June 13, 2024, from https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/cloud-security-issues-risks- threats-challenges/
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