Dameon Griggs AGC executive report 2



Colorado Technical University *

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Information Systems


Jun 18, 2024





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Dameon Griggs IP Unit 5 Colorado Technical University 417/24
Executive Report AGC Introduction: There have been some concerns regarding AGC’s change management process and the issues revolving around the global human capital management problems at AGC. In this report I will go over the human management goals, the root causes of the issues, and the solution process. This will ensure an understanding of our company’s direction and make sure that our strategy aligns with our human capital goals as well as our goals as an organization. Diagnosis: When a company's culture fails to resonate with its workforce, it might lead to a change in the organization's structure. Businesses and organizations employ people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds and cultural perspectives; thus, it will be disruptive if the majority of the workforce is not acknowledged and/or accepted by the company. However, as companies grow abroad, their employees live apart from one another and their shared norms and beliefs vanish. Individuals from other nations have distinct ways of communicating, responding to information, and making judgments. Corporate cultures that have developed naturally and were long taken for granted start to crumble. Meyer, E. (2015, October 14). This leads to misunderstandings at work and will negatively impact on every member of your staff. The distance between cultural shock and acceptance will always be great in the absence of cultural awareness.
Our company has developed a lack of leadership, employee engagement and lack of diversity. This occurs by not setting a culturally balanced workplace, ignorance within the organization, and not identifying the issues sooner. These root causes can be solved by gaining a deeper understanding of what is the sole purpose of human capital management and what steps we can take to identify which change method best illustrates AGC. Intervention: Strategic human capital management (HCM) refers to your overall approach to looking after your people. It refers to how you invest in your people’s development and skills to increase engagement and achieve your business goals. How to build successful human capital management strategies. (n.d.). There are several components that make up HCM and the ones that would best service AGC are: Workforce planning, Mentoring programs, and training and development. There is a lack of leadership in AGC now and we need to be able to identify new dynamic leaders to help us rise to the occasion. Also rewarding our employees with bonuses, incentives, recognition, etc. will take AGC even further. The mentoring programs and the training and development assets both go hand in hand but have different styles. The mentoring programs will be for our younger/ and or new employees to get them accommodated to AGC. The training and development aspect will be used for all employees as training in leadership does not have a gap so our company should not place a ceiling on our success. Workforce planning will be utilized to keep all employees on task and be held accountable. This will serve as our company’s ‘personal agenda. It is important to regularly monitor the performance of your implemented workforce planning solutions and their impact on the gaps they were designed to address, and to continuously improve solutions to maximize their effectiveness. As the strategic
direction, workforce supply, and workaround demand changes over time, strategies need to be updated accordingly. Monitoring Progress. (2017, July 6). Evaluation: I went about making these changes by communicating with peers within the company, doing market research, and taking the time to run data analysis. I also made it clear that the company is going through a change and addressed some of the issues that the board wanted reiterated. I gave a clear definition of the change, a timeline of what those changes will look like, different effective communication strategies, training, development programs, and accessing the risk management strategy. A well-thought-out change management plan can help steer your organization through any necessary changes or decisions that must be made today considering the shifting market, digital innovations, and ongoing expansion surrounding the marketplace. Bano, R. (2023, April 6). The effects were positive as more employees are excited about coming to work, and with new emerging leaders guiding this company in a new direction has changed the morale of the workplace. The market performance increased tremendously as employees dialed into work 100% of the time and it created a sense of urgency within AGC. We also implnemented an incentive program to entice employees to strive for excellence and to let them know that AGC rewards fantastic effort.
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