Week 5 Assignments



Regent University *

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Information Systems


Jun 18, 2024





Uploaded by GeneralFreedomDinosaur4458

Chapter & Exercises Questions 1. List three characteristics each of traditional and web-based development. The characteristics of traditional development involve designing systems to operate on local and wide-area company networks. The scalability of this type of development can be limited by network constraints. Traditional development usually follows one of three paths: in-house development, purchasing software with potential modifications, or utilizing outside consultants. In contrast, web-based development entails creating and delivering systems within an Internet- based framework, such as .NET. These systems view the web as a platform, rather than just a communication channel, are easily scalable, and can run on multiple hardware environments. (System Analysis and Design p.201) 2. How does cloud computing support Web 2.0 applications ? Web 2.0 is the second version of the Internet. It's all about people working together, talking to each other, and sharing information more dynamically. Instead of those boring old static web pages, Web 2.0 brings us constantly accessible user applications. It's like a whole new level of internet goodness. (System Analysis and Design p.202) 3. Why would a company choose in-house software development? In some cases, a company may choose to use in-house software development rather than outsourcing it. Companies typically choose to develop software in-house to satisfy certain unique requirements of the enterprise as well as reduce alterations within the business methods and operational frameworks, work within the confines of current systems or technology platforms and establish some internal power base for themselves. In deciding what process might work best for them, organizations consider cost factors that are associated with maintaining control over the intellectual property’s rights in-house vs going with either third party licensing or open-source options. (System Analysis and Design p.205) 4. What is outsourcing? Outsourcing is a way of transferring data systems development, operation, or maintenance to an external firm in exchange for money on a short-term or long- term basis. (System Analysis and Design p.209) 5. List two reasons offshoring may be risky? Offshoring means transfer of IT development, support, and operations jobs to other countries. The potential risks of offshoring are associated to issues like project control, security risks, disparities in cultural norms as well as difficulties in effective communication considering that relocation destinations may be far apart from each other. (System Analysis and Design p.210) 6. What is SaaS? Software as a Service (SaaS) describes software provided on a demand basis. SaaS provides the service by simply making the functionality accessible over a network instead of customers having to download and install in their personal computers the usual software application. (System Analysis and Design p.211) 7. What is the primary objective of the evaluation and selection team in selecting a development strategy? The main objective of the team is to evaluate and select possible system alternatives for elimination of those least suitable for the purpose rank in terms of their acceptability and present the alternatives to the management for final decision. (System Analysis and Design p.216) 8. What are the five steps in software acquisition process? - Evaluate the information system requirements - Identify potential vendors or outsourcing options - Evaluate the Alternatives - Perform Cost-Benefits analysis - Prepare a recommendation (System Analysis and Design p.217)
9. What is an RFP, and how does it differ from an RFQ? A request for proposal (RFP) shows characteristics and specific descriptions which are demanded from vendors that sell same item or bundle before choosing one out of those varieties while request for quotation (RFQ) gets cost residential estate or demand estimate on customized package. (System Analysis and Design p.223) 10. Explain the relationship between logical and physical design? An information system’s function and features as well as the relationships among its components are defined by a logical design. A physical design, on the other hand, is a plan for implementing the system. (System Analysis and Design p.221) Chapter 6 Discussion Topics #3 The homeowner is summoned to the door when a delivery person rings the doorbell because it may also be heard by the dog which will then bark causing a child to cry resulting in a parent going to the child rather than answering the door. In essence, polymorphism can lead to unexpected reactions. Chapter 7 Discussion Topics #2 The decision to outsource systems development can have an impact on the need for in-house systems analysts, but how much it affects it can vary depending on a few factors. Here are some things you should think about: Level of Outsourcing: If a company outsources most of its systems development work, the need for in-house systems analysts might go down. In this case, the outsourced development team can handle tasks that were traditionally done by in-house analysts. Complexity of Systems: Some companies choose to outsource routine or less complicated development tasks while keeping in-house analysts for more strategic or complex projects that require extensive knowledge of the company's specific needs. So, the need for in-house analysts might still be important in this scenario. Integration and Coordination: In-house systems analysts often play a crucial role in coordinating between different groups, like business users, developers, and external vendors. Even if development tasks are outsourced, there might still be a need for in-house analysts to manage and oversee these activities, make sure they align with business goals, and facilitate effective communication. Customization and Innovation: In-house analysts usually have a better understanding of the company's unique processes, systems, and objectives. They might be in a better position to drive innovation, customize solutions to meet specific business needs, and make sure that outsourced development aligns with the company's long-term vision. Data Security and Compliance: Depending on the industry and regulations, some organizations might prefer to keep sensitive data and critical systems development in-house to have more control over security and compliance. (System Analysis and Design p.208)
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