Sophia - US History I - Unit 4 - Milestone 4
Southern New Hampshire University *
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Apr 3, 2024
Uploaded by DeeGirl424
The Election of 1860 and Secession 2
Towards a Greater Reconstruction 3
The Compromise of 1850 4
A House Divided: Crises of the 1850s 5
The Slave Experience 6
Manifest Destiny 7
Reconstructing the South 8
Perspectives on Emancipation 9
The Civil War 10
The Collapse of the Reconstruction 11
The End of the War 12
Slavery in the United States in the 19th Century 13
Women's Activism in the Early 19th Century 14
Think About It: Was Lincoln an Abolitionist? 15
The Abolitionist Movement 15/15
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Which of the following played the biggest role in Lincoln's election in 1860?
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Which of the following events resulted in western lands being given away for a nominal fee to independent
adults who could improve on them?
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Which of the following was a provision of the Compromise of 1850 that appealed to northerners?
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Choose the combination of words that correctly completes this sentence: "The ________ was one of several events that upended the second-party system of Whigs and Democrats and
increased the membership of the Republican Party, which dedicated itself to the principles of ________."
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Which of the following statements about slave resistance is true?
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Which element of Manifest Destiny is reflected in the following statement?
"The vast frontier is destined to become part of the United States and a place where freedom and democracy
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Which of the following supported the criticisms of Presidential Reconstruction by Radical Republicans in
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Read an excerpt from Lincoln's 1864 speech in Baltimore: “Having determined to use the negro as a soldier, there is no way but to give him all the protection given to any
other soldier. The di
culty is not in stating the principle, but in practically applying it. It is a mistake to suppose the
government is indi
erent to this matter, or is not doing the best it can in regard to it...”
What does Lincoln's speech reveal about the participation of Black soldiers in the Civil War?
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Which of the following was an advantage for the Union in the Civil War?
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Which of the following groups formed rifle clubs known as "Red Shirts" to intimidate voters?
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Which of the following o
cially ended the Civil War?
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Which statement best summarizes the "concurrent majority," an idea advanced by John C. Calhoun to protect
slavery in the 19th century?
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Consider the following statement:
"Women have a duty to take direct action in providing freedom for slaves."
Which of the following principles or movements would the speaker most likely support?
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Which of the following statements best represents Abraham Lincoln's experience of and views on slavery prior
to the Civil War?
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Which statement best reflects the approach of abolitionists to ending slavery?
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The Democratic Party was divided and ran multiple candidates.
Northerners were united around abolition and equal rights for
Many southerners saw Lincoln as weak and open to manipulation.
Lincoln promised to end slavery once and for all.
The Morrill Act
The Homestead Act
The Indian Wars
The Treaty of Fort Laramie
A ban on slavery in Washington, D.C.
Admission of California into the Union as a free state
Bounties o
ered on escaped slaves caught in the North
Popular sovereignty in the Mexican Cession aside from California
Kansas-Nebraska Act; popular sovereignty
attack on Lawrence, Kansas; abolitionism
Dred Scott decision; free labor
Missouri Compromise; equal rights
Women were the ones who more frequently ran away, even though
it meant that they would be separated from their children.
Running away was one of the more common forms of slave
resistance because it was easy.
Most runaway slaves went to join free black communities, or to visit
family nearby.
Slaves preferred more violent forms of resistance, like rebellions.
White supremacy
Divine mission
Safety valve
Southerners elected former Confederate o
cials to Congress.
Southern states refused to abide by the terms of Presidential
Southern states ratified the 13th Amendment.
All men were given the right to vote, regardless of skin color.
Lincoln was concerned that they could face more severe
consequences from southerners than white soldiers.
Lincoln wanted to convince African Americans that participating in
the war would help them be free.
Lincoln objected to using African Americans as soldiers, as they
were untested in battle.
Lincoln thought freed slaves should fight on behalf of those still
enslaved in the South.
The ability to institute a draft
A significantly larger free population
Long supply lines
Home-turf advantage
Democratic Party
Freedmen's Bureau
Southern black churches
The Wade-Davis Bill
The Emancipation Proclamation
The capture of Richmond
The surrenders of Lee and Johnston
The majority’s interests should be o
set with measures that protect
regional minority interests.
Congress should represent the majority opinion, to prevent minority
groups from seizing power.
A Democratic majority was a threat to the Whig minority.
A minority should leave a political community if the majority
infringes upon its rights.
Republican Motherhood
Separate Spheres Ideology
The Seneca Falls Convention
The Underground Railroad
"The biggest challenge to emancipation will be compensating freed
slaves for the pain they su
"I've come up with a plan for the end of slavery which I shall carry
out as president."
"We cannot recognize slavery as an evil and at the same time allow
it to spread."
"The West is too insignificant to have any e
ect on slavery's position
in the rest of the nation."
"Relocating African Americans is the most appropriate way to end
slavery in America."
"Slavery must be contained in the South and not allowed into the
Western territories."
"We appeal to the conscience of all Americans to protect the
country’s soul by ending slavery."
"We support a gradual approach to the end of slavery, like that
which has occurred in the northern states."
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