HIS 100 Module Four Activity Template: Historical Narratives
Locate an additional secondary source relevant to your historical event. Use all four of your
sources (two primary and two secondary) to answer the questions below. Replace the bracketed
text with your responses.
Identify the topic you chose to explore:
[The Tulsa Massacre.]
Attempt to write the APA style citations for your four sources. Include links to each source. You will not
be penalized for incorrect citation format.
[Radio Diaries (2021) “The Tulsa Race Massacre, 100 years later.]
[Amy Irvine, June 1,2021 What Caused The Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921.
History Articles |
History Hit
[History.com editors May 31,2023 .The Tulsa Race Massacre: Facts about the attack .
The Tulsa
Race Massacre: Facts About the Attack | HISTORY
[Tulsa Race Massacre, 100 years later: Why it happened and why it’s still relevant today.
Race Massacre, 100 years later: Why it happened and why it's still relevant today
Compare the narratives presented in your primary and secondary sources relevant to your
historical event.
[The sources I have are my diverse and doesn’t just stick to one point of view. All of the authors
agree that the massacre was a very devastating experience.
Describe one narrative that has significantly influenced the contemporary understanding of your
historical event.
[The Narrative of Radio Diaries, The Tulsa Race Massacre- 100 years later, has persuade me. To
have someone that was there is all the proof someone needs to know what really happened.
Explain how the chosen narrative helps you better understand your historical research question.
Please provide your revised research question and then explain how the chosen narrative helps
you better understand your historical event.
[It helped me understand that the massacre happen due to racism. It was defiantly a hate
Please include your research question here (you will not be graded on this).
What was the real cause of the Tulsa Race Massacre?