3 – French 1002
I. Écoutez bien !
You will hear an advertisement for the cruise ship company
Corail Bleu Voyages
You will hear it twice. The first time, listen for general meaning. The second time, listen carefully for
detail and choose the best answer to each question. (10 points)
en vacances
(p. 202), et
les points cardinaux
(p. 204).
II. Dictée.
You will hear a description of Albert’s vacation plans. You will hear it twice. The first time,
listen for general meaning. The second time, listen carefully for detail and fill in the missing words.
(10 points)
en vacances
(p. 202),
les points cardinaux
(p. 204),
le verbe acheter
(p. 204) et
magasin du sport
(p. 204). Write a short paragraph of 5 sentences describing where you
would like to go on vacation, what you would do there, and what you would need to buy
before you go.
III. Les activités de vacances.
Your friends are preparing to leave on vacation. Based on the context,
complete the sentences by indicating what they are planning to do and what equipment they need. Use
vocabulary items only once and do not repeat the model. (20 points)
Caroline adore les sports d'hiver. Elle va passer ses vacances dans
les Alpes où elle va
faire du ski
. Elle a besoin d'acheter des skis et
chaussures de ski
au magasin de sport
(p. 204). Practice writing what you need to buy to do your favorite
sports activity.
IV. Les activités de vacances.
Entourez les mots corrects dans le passage. (10 points)
en vacances
(p. 202),
les points cardinaux
(p. 204),
le verbe acheter
(p. 204) et
au magasin
du sport
(p. 204).