Name: Class: Date: ID: A 10. ICD 10 PCS Chapter 3 Practice sheet Completion Complete each statement. Using the ICD-10-CM, code the following. (Separate multiple codes with a comma and then a space in your response. XXX. XX, XXX XX) . Corneal ulcer with hypopyon of left eye. ICD-10-CM Code: Screening for respiratory tuberculosis. ICD-10-CM Code: Long-term (current) use of systemic steroids. ICD-10-CM Code: Long-term (current) use of aspirin. ICD-10-CM Code: Preoperative examination for a patient who will receive a renal transplant due to ESRD, currently on dialysis. ICD-10-CM Codes: (three codes) A multigravida 48-year-old patient presents for routine prenatal visit, first trimester. No complications are noted. ICD-10-CM Code: Encounter for blood type testing prior to surgery. ICD-10-CM Code: Exposure to German measles. ICD-10-CM Code: Patient admitted to observation following a highway accident in which he was the driver of the car that was struck by another car. No injuries indicated during this initial encounter. ICD-10-CM Codes: (two codes) Screening colonoscopy for colon cancer. ICD-10-CM Code: