cj299-01 Unit 2



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May 30, 2024





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CJ299 Unit 2 Assessment May 28, 2024
The debate over the indeterminate and determinate sentencing models has been going on for a long time. The former, which was prevalent from the 1970s, gave inmates early release through parole. On the other hand, the latter, which was prevalent until the 1980s, had fixed terms that were dependent on the nature of the prison sentence. The essay aims to compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of the two different sentencing models. It will also provide practical examples to help people understand how they work. A type of sentence known as indeterminate sentencing involves a flexible period of incarceration, which can be determined by an offender's behavior and progress. The parole board then reviews the case and decides whether or not an individual should be released. We will look into the pros and cons of indeterminate sentencing. One of the most common reasons why people are sentenced to prison is to give them a chance to develop their personal lives. This concept is known as the rehabilitation focus, which provides an opportunity for individuals to transform their lives. Another method that is used is the individualized approach, which allows for a more personalized decision-making process. Indeterminate sentences offer an opportunity to engage in behavior modification, take advantage of self- improvement initiatives, and take part in educational initiatives, all while knowing that their actions could lead to early release. In this study, we will analyze the disadvantages of indeterminate sentencing. The flexibility of this sentence can lead to inconsistency and uncertainty, which can result in disparities in the release decisions of different parole boards. The lack of transparency regarding
the criteria used by these boards can also cause concerns about potential biases and accountability. Early release can pose a risk of reoffending. These individuals may be more prone to committing crimes, which could endanger public safety. One of the most notable examples of indeterminate sentencing is that of Charles Manson, who was sentenced to death for his crimes against humanity but had his sentence commuted after California abolished capital punishment in 1972. Although Manson was eligible for parole several times under the indeterminate sentence system, he was denied his release due to his persistent dangerousness. This case serves as a reminder that the discretion of the parole board can affect an offender's chances of being released. The concept of determining sentencing, which was popularized by the 1970s, is a type of sentence that involves a fixed term of imprisonment. The length of the sentence is based on the applicable statutory guidelines and the nature of the offense. Release dates are then calculated on a predetermined basis. Now we will talk about the advantages of implementing a determinate sentence. It provides a clear and predictable sentence that ensures that the offenders are aware of their punishment's duration. This type of sentence also helps reduce the disparities in the sentences handed down to similar offenders. Determinate sentencing also aims to ensure the safety of the public by ensuring that the sentences of serious offenders are served at a sufficient amount. This can help deter future criminal activities. We will discuss the disadvantages of imposing a determinate sentence. This concept limits the consideration of various factors, such as the possibility for personal growth or rehabilitation, and it can prevent the appropriate sentence from addressing the needs of the offenders. Individuals with fixed sentences are less likely to participate in rehabilitation
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