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Liberty University *

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May 4, 2024





Uploaded by DoctorBookGoat34

Quiz: American Revival arfl Reform Due Apr29at11:59pm Points 20 Questions Time Limit 30 Minutes Instructions The quiz: + Covers the Leam materal from Module 6: Week 6. mutiple-choice questions « Contains 10 + Is worth 20 points. assessment Sub tis assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module 6 Week 6 Zeminses 2outol20 D Correct answers are hidden. ‘Score for this quiz: 20 out of 20 ‘Submitted Apr 29 at 11:03om This attempt took 24 minutes. Question 1 iz ‘According 1o the video presentation, which view of abolitionism best describes William Lioyd Garrison? Immediate Emancipationst Question 2 2/2p ‘According 1o the video presentation, Horace Mann sought o refor Educanon Question 3 2/2p According to the video presentation, William Lioyd Ganison's and Frederick Douglass'aboltionist perspectives differed primarily along? Poltcsiinez Question 4 2/2pts ‘According to the video presentation, the founder of Mormonism was. Joseph Smith Question 5 2/2pts According 1o the video presentation, the Second Great Awakening Had 2 broad appeal 1o the common man, which was an element of Jacksonian America Question 6 2/2pts According 1o the video presentation, one of the hallmarks of Charles Finney's revivals was. The portcpation of women which ed to thee sctmzm i zocis reform mavements Question 7 2/2pts According 1o the video presentation, what characterized 19° century religion? A divde between taditonsl rthodory and bersiam Question 8 2/2pts According 1o the video presentation, before Charles Finney was converted to Christ and became a revivalist he was Alowyer Question 9 2/aps According to the video presentation, the Presbyterian minister James Henley Thormwell believed the Civil War wos A wat between Christianty and atheism According 1o the video presentation, Unitarianism is characterized by The denia of the ity and crignal sin Quiz Score: 20 out of 20
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