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Apr 29, 2024





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A) Yucatan Peninsula B) Caribbean Sea C) Atlantic Ocean D) Andes Mountain 1. Which geographic feature had the greatest influence on the pre-Columbian development of the Inca Empire? A) rain forest of the Congo B) Himalaya Mountains C) plateau of Tibet D) Amazon River 2. Which geographic feature is located in Latin America? A) importance of trade with western Europe B) ability of humans to adapt the environment C) influence of cultural diversity D) complexity of indigenous belief systems 3. The location of the Inca civilization of South America demonstrates the A) Why did the Mayas abandon their cities? B) What was the structure of the Maya governments? C) How did religious beliefs affect the Maya economy? D) Which neighboring city-state conquered the Mayas? 4. Base your answer to the following question on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies. ...In the 1930s, Slyvanus G. Morley of Harvard, probably the most celebrated Mayanist of his day, espoused [argued for] what is still the best-known theory: The Maya collapsed because they overshot the carrying capacity of their environment. They exhausted their resource base, began to die of starvation and thirst, and fled their cities en masse, leaving them as silent warnings of the perils of ecological hubris [overconfidence]... -Charles C. Mann, 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus According to this passage, what was a major question Morley was trying to answer about the Mayas in the 1930s? A) Small groups of nomadic clans competed for food. B) Various ethnic groups had representation in a legislative body. C) Absence of a social class structure created unsettled living conditions. D) Advanced agricultural practices supported large urban centers. 5. Which statement best describes Aztec civilization at the time of the Encounter? Base your answers to questions 6 and 7 on the diagram below. A) frequent flooding of the Amazon River B) dense jungles C) yearly monsoons D) mountainous terrain 6. Which geographic challenge did Incan farmers need to adapt to in order to create the system shown in this diagram? A) farming in Medieval Europe B) agriculture in Pre-Columbian South America C) Incan religious beliefs D) social hierarchy of the Incan Empire 7. A historian could best use this diagram to study which of the following? A) flooded rice paddies B) terraced fields C) clear-cut rain forests D) expansive plantations 8. Inca farmers adapted their environment by growing food in
9. Base your answer to the following question on the graphic organizer below and on your knowledge of social studies. A) Building thousands of miles of roads B) Maintenance of a large naval fleet C) Establishment of a national library filled with hundreds of books D) Reliance on camel caravans Which phrase best completes this graphic organizer? A) Roman B) Egyptian C) Mesopotamian D) Inca 10. Which civilization is credited with recording data with quipu, developing an elaborate road system, and constructing Machu Picchu? A) inventing the wheel as a transportation device B) improving iron weapons C) expanding global trade D) adapting a mountainous environment 11. Which development is most closely associated with early Inca achievements?
A) Phoenicians B) Bantu C) Hebrews D) Persians 12. Base your answer on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies. Source: Roger B. Beck et al., World History: Patterns of Interaction, McDougal Littell (adapted) Which group of people is represented by this migration pattern? A) vassal states of Egypt B) trading states of West Africa C) micro-states of Southeast Asia D) tributary states of China 13. Which description best fits the kingdoms of Ghana and Songhai? A) languages and metallurgical skills B) porcelain and cannons C) camels and Islam D) cuneiform and galley ships 14. Between 500 B.C. and A.D. 1500, the migration of the Bantu people of Africa led to the diffusion of A) exchanges with Indian ports B) direct access to the Arabian Sea C) control of trade routes D) abundance of diamonds 15. The kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai prospered primarily due to their A) migration of the Bantu people out of West Africa in 1000 B.C. B) journey of Mansa Musa’s followers to Mecca in 1324 C) resettlement of the Zulus within South Africa in 1843 D) flight of the Tutsis from Rwanda in 1994 16. Which movement of African people was primarily caused by changes in climate and vegetation? A) they controlled the gold-salt trade B) their herds of cattle were in demand C) their armies took control of much of Africa D) they adopted Christianity as their primary religion 17. The West African empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai were able to thrive because A) oil and coal B) timber and fish C) gold and salt D) sugar and ivory 18. The West African kingdom of Mali grew in wealth and power by controlling the trading of
A) Axum B) Benin C) Kush D) Mali 19. • Conquered Ghana • Experienced a golden age under Mansa Musa • Built mosques and schools in Timbuktu Which civilization is most directly associated with these descriptions? A) Austro-Hungarian B) German C) Russian D) Ottoman 20. Base your answer to the question on the following map and on your knowledge of social studies. The League of Nations mandates shown on this map had been part of which empire prior to World War I? A) Resources were needed to combat Japanese invaders. B) Developing trade networks with Russia was more profitable. C) Conquering European territories drained China's treasury. D) Foreign goods were considered inferior to those produced in China. 21. What is one reason the Ming emperors did not expand China's economic influence across the Indian Ocean after the voyages of Zheng He? A) gunpowder B) woodblock printing C) wheelbarrow D) magnetic compass 22. Which technology, first developed by the Chinese, enabled the Ottoman Empire to expand into western Asia, Europe, and northern Africa? A) marked a shift to a more traditional inward focus B) promoted the Chinese colonization of Africa and South Asia C) forced the emperor to abdicate D) caused the dynasty to reject Confucianism 23. The decision to end Zheng He's voyages is considered a turning point in the history of Ming China because this action A) Tokugawa shogunate B) Ming dynasty C) Axum Kingdom D) Umayyad dynasty 24. The voyages of Zheng He, development of blue and white porcelain, and the establishment of the Forbidden City are all associated with the
A) Encounter B) Latin American independence movements C) Mexican Revolution D) Cuban Revolution 25. • Emperor Montezuma falls from power. • Large numbers of Native Americans died from smallpox and other diseases. These events occurred as a result of the A) establishment of a favorable balance of trade B) introduction of the encomienda system C) transmission of communicable diseases D) exploitation of resources in new lands 26. Which situation was an unintended consequence of Spain's colonization of the Americas? A) Portugal's claims to southern Africa were established. B) His ship was the first to land in the Americas. C) One of his ships was the first to circumnavigate Earth. D) Britain's control of the seas ended. 27. Why is Ferdinand Magellan's voyage considered a turning point in world history? A) economic collapse in Europe B) introduction of new food crops to Europe C) decrease in European population D) expansion of democratic rights throughout Europe 28. What was a major effect of the Columbian exchange? A) Atlantic Ocean B) Sahara Desert C) Andes Mountains D) Mediterranean Sea 29. The Encounter occurred as a result of European explorers crossing the Base your answers to questions 30 and 31 on the passage below. ". . . (It) brought the potato, the pineapple, the turkey, dahlias, sunflowers, magnolias, maize, chillies and chocolate across the Atlantic. On the other hand, tens of millions died in the pandemics of the 16th century, victims of smallpox, measles and the other diseases brought by Europeans (and don't forget that the African slave trade was begun by the Europeans, to replace the work force they had decimated).". . . — Michael Wood, BBC History (adapted) A) rapid decline of population in the cities of Europe B) European colonization of the Americas C) increased trade between Europe and China D) the golden age of West African kingdoms 30. The event described in this passage contributed most directly to which of the following? A) trade along the Silk Road B) Trans-Saharan caravan routes C) spread of the bubonic plague by ships in the Mediterranean Sea D) attempts by Spain to establish a sea route to Asia 31. The event described in this passage was most directly a result of which of the following? A) government monopolies affect trade B) geography and technology influence economic activity C) economic concepts dominate the study of transportation D) laws and customs regulate exchanges across international waters 32. Knowledge about trade wind patterns and the ability of sailors to utilize them on the Indian and Atlantic Oceans demonstrate that A) observation and experimentation B) church law and faith C) superstition and ancient practices D) geometric formulas and astrology 33. New scientific knowledge and understandings that developed during the Scientific Revolution were most often based on A) limit which ideas can be transmitted B) redefine human understanding of the world C) reinforce established traditional beliefs D) exploit new sources of energy 34. The impact of the printing press, astrolabe, and caravel on 16th-century Europe demonstrates the ability of technology to A) lateen sail B) astrolabe C) cross bow D) caravel 35. Which technological development enabled European navigators to determine their location during the Age of Exploration? A) rise of feudalism B) Agricultural Revolution C) Age of Exploration D) Age of Reason 36. Advances in navigation technology and the desire of Europeans to obtain goods from Asia are most closely associated with the
A) protect investments in French colonies in the Americas B) safeguard King Louis XVI's government C) return enslaved blacks to Africa D) support Toussaint L'Ouverture's rebellion 37. Base your answer to the following question on the time line below and on your knowledge of social studies. In the early 1800s, the French government took action in Saint Domingue (Haiti) to A) regional specialization B) colonial rule C) modernization D) ethnic division 38. Spanish is the dominant language in much of Central and South America, and French is a dominant language in West Africa. What caused these languages to be spoken in those areas? A) Spain introduced the encomienda system. B) Portugal claimed Brazil. C) Spain and Portugal competed for colonies in the Americas. D) Columbus arrived in the Caribbean region. 39. Which situation came first ? A) the abolition of the slave trade B) the cooperative efforts of Christian and Islamic missionaries C) a variety of geographic obstacles in Africa D) a widespread unified resistance by African tribal leaders 40. In the 1500s, European attempts to establish colonies in Africa were hindered by A) a European shortage of pepper and nutmeg B) a mandate from the papacy C) the desire to control sources of gold and silver D) the need to secure laborers for factories in Europe 41. Which key factor fueled competition between European countries for colonies in the Americas?
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