Hi Daniela, Reference:
Pereira, A. (n.d.). Healthcare is a Fundamental Human Right
. University of Connecticut. https://cpilj.law.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/2515/2018/10/3.2-Live-and-Let-Live-
Healthcare-is-a-Fundamental-Human-Right-by-Anita-Pereira.pdf T4 DQ 1: Identify one country other than the United States and research how mental health is defined and measured. When making your initial reply, select a country that has not already been researched by one of your peers. In replies to peers, discuss similarities in the definition and measurement standards for mental health from one country to another.
T4 DQ 2: Substance use is common in many societies throughout the world. Research and describe one non-Western culture and its use of alcohol or other substances. Discuss how the substance is used and in what settings, how often, and policies that may limit or curb the use of that substance. Describe services that are available for people who are looking for help in reducing the harm associated with using that substance. When making your initial reply, select a country that has not already been researched by one of your peers. In replies to peers, suggest a complementary program that might influence the policy discussed in the post.