Skarly Avendano
HSA 6930 Service Design & Patient Experience
Service Blueprint & Write-Up
February 17, 2024
Home Health Service Blueprint
The blueprint I created is home health services for home-bound patients who like to be home with their families instead of in the hospital. There are things that patients face that the agencies are aware of or what the agencies face that the patients are not aware of. Backstage actions need improvement. There should be policies, technology, and communications. Team members should
give feedback and information on approaching patients in the onstage action. This can solve issues of missing medications or patients’ noncompliance. Surveys should be given to patients on
how to implement the feedback in the operation and services. The agencies should set up team meetings with all their staff, including their caregivers. During team meetings, they can review formally reported communications and impressions and clarify issues and concerns. Agencies can have tools for the staff and caregivers created, having access to technology from an app that can be provided to the database for records. When a caregiver is unavailable, and you must send another caregiver out to the patient's home, they will have access to the patient's profile and review notes and daily routine. Improving the backstage action will allow the agency to run fluently and keep its patients happy. The patients will feel relief when they know that when different caregivers go to their homes, their routine will remain the same, and everyone will be on the same page.