Case Study for Diagnostics. Need to research information about the 2 case studies. What is the
name of the suspected illness? How to test for it? What bacteria are involved? How it can
Spread? How to prevent it? name of medicine needed? Who is affected the most? Case study 2
what do the 3 images show and what do they indicate? How can VAP occur in this patient? How
did being trapped in the car affect the patient? explain inhalation burn injuries and their link to
the case add extra necessary information using your own knowledge.
Case 1
A 5 year old male awoke with a sore throat and fever, he was primarily treated at home
with paracetamol. The following day the symptoms were still present and now included
abdominal pain and headache.
On physical examination at the GP, it was noted that the patient had a fever of 38.4°C,
and a red tonsillar region. He also had enlarged mandible lymph nodes.
The patient was prescribed a 10 day course of oral penicillin.
Case 2
The patient, a middle aged man was seen in the emergency department he was sedated
following a road traffic accident. The patient had been trapped for 30 mins at which time the car
had caught fire.
Physical examination noted 20% third degree burns, inhalation burn injuries, and
multiple fractures.
The patient developed ventilator acquired pneumonia (VAP) on day 9 in hospital, on day
26 he had declining lung capacity as well as the continuing VAP, despite antimicrobial therapy
the patient continued to decline, two sets of blood cultures were obtained, a Gram stain and
culture on blood and CLED agar of the organism can be seen below.
Despite the best efforts the patient dies of a cardiopulmonary arrest on day 28.