180 for Medicare Deeming
What is the time limit for attestations for URAC? -
180 days
What does TJC call the process whereby the specific scope and content of patient care services are
authorized for a healthcare practitioner by a healthcare organization, based on evaluation of the
individual's credentials and performance? -
What are three methods of delineation of clinical privileges? -
Laundry list
Core privileges
For CoP, surgical privileges must be delineated for all practitioners performing surgery in accordance
with... -
the competencies of each practitioner
What are CoP interpretive guidelines for timeline of review and updating of surgical privileges -
least every two years
What does TJC require with regard to privilege delineation system? -
Tailored to hospital
Takes into account the hospital's technical and staff capability to support the procedures
According to TJC, which three privileging events require NPDB query? -
New privilege request
What is the max length of time that TJC allows for temporary/provisional credentialing? -
120 days
What time limit does DNV state for locum tenens for temporary privileges? -
six months