Geo Lab Activity 1 Google Earth



Montgomery College *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by AdmiralFreedom13579

Fall 2022 Geology 101 Name Colton Johnson Lab 1: Introductory Google Earth Activity The purpose of this activity is to introduce you to Google Earth and to explore several types of geological features that we will discuss in more detail later in the course. Do your best to answer all of the questions, even if you are uncertain. Type your answers in the boxes; they will expand as needed. Instructions A. Setup 1. Download and install Google Earth on your computer. Once it is installed, open the program by clicking the icon on the desktop. 2. Familiarize yourself with the following features: Navigation Controls , Search Pane , Places , Layers , Toolbar . 3. Clear the My Places box 4. Set the Layers to show “Borders and Labels” and “Roads”. 5. Under the Tools menu, click Options, then set Units of Measurement to “Feet, Miles”). (For Mac Users, find Preferences under Google Earth Pro on the menu.) B. Practicing some basic functions 1. Type “Rockville, MD” into the Search Panel and click on “Search”. This will take you to Rockville and automatically create a red place marker in the center of town. 2. Find the MC campus by traveling north (toward the top of the screen) along Route 355 (Hungerford Drive). Locate the Science Center. It looks like this: a. What is the latitude and longitude of the building? 39.09699, -77.1593 b. What is the elevation in feet of the sidewalk outside the building? 428ft Page 1 of 6
Fall 2022 Geology 101 2. a . What is the date of the image? 10/2019 b. On the Toolbar, open the Historical Imagery tool and move the slider to view the image from the year 2005. Name two differences you observe on the campus between 2005 and the recent image. The Science Center hadn’t been built yet Many of the buildings look different 3. Restore the image to the current date by unclicking the Historical Imagery tool , and use the Ruler tool to measure the distance from the Science Center to the center of Rockville (as marked the red placemark). a . What is the distance in miles? 1.1 miles b. What is the distance in kilometers? 1.76 km 4. Back at the Science Center, use the Path Tool to create a path following the sidewalk around the pond next to the Science Center. Follow the shape of the sidewalk by clicking the mouse to create short line segments, as shown below: a. What is the length of the path in feet? 1286 ft b. What is the length of the path in meters? 392 meters Page 2 of 6
Fall 2022 Geology 101 C. Now for some exploring . . . 5. Copy and paste latitude and longitude 36°24'12.45"N 111°52'42.98"W into the Search Panel and click Search. This will take you to the Grand Canyon. Notice that it creates a placemark down in the bottom of the canyon. Move your cursor over the placemark. a. What is the elevation of the bottom of the canyon in feet? Is it higher or lower than Rockville? 2837 ft higher b. Move your cursor to a point on the rim of the canyon above the placemark. (Be sure to zoom out to an eye altitude of 20,000 feet or so. The canyon is big ! What is the elevation of the rim? 3640 ft c. How deep is the canyon here in feet? ~800ft 6. Still at the canyon, use the cursor to drag the Street View icon so that it is on the blue line in the bottom of the canyon. Once you have entered Street View, use the cursor to look around at the river and the walls of the canyon. In this course we will talk about the different types of rock: Igneous , Sedimentary , and Metamorphic . Notice the layering in the rock that makes the canyon walls. Which type of rock is it? sedimentary 7. Exit Street View and type “Mauna Loa, HI” into the Search Panel. This will take you to Mauna Loa, the world’s largest active volcano. Later in the course we will talk about the different types of volcanoes. Mauna Loa is what is called a shield volcano. a. Describe any features you see that indicate that it is a volcano. Incendiary rock covers the top Gas is constantly emitted from the top It is a mountain b. Despite being in Hawaii, Mauna Loa is tall enough that there can be snow at the summit (enough to ski). What is its elevation in feet? 13088 Below is an elevation profile of Mauna Loa. As is typical of shield volcanoes, it is broad and domelike in shape. Page 3 of 6
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