DUE 2-19 Climate Change Targets and Simulation



University of Texas, Dallas *

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Apr 3, 2024





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UNIV 3310 Homework Due 2/19/2024 PART 1: Choosing a climate target 1. What commitment did nations make under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1992 ? What do you think that means? (Respond in a couple sentences) 2. What goal did nations promise to meet under the Paris Agreement in 2015 ? According to the Climate Action Tracker , what goal have countries implemented policies to meet? (Respond in a couple sentences) 3. On our current pathway, global temperature will increase by at least 4 C by 2100. Explore the difference between a 2 C reduced-emissions and a 4 C higher emissions world using the following tools by looking at where one different city would “move to” (in other words, what their climate would feel like) and how one different coastal city would be inundated by sea level rise. Describe the changes you find and the cities you chose (and feel free to screenshot the results and include them in your answer). 4. Then, based on what you have learned in the lecture and from the examples above, select one of the following levels of warming as if you were a policymaker in charge of a climate action framework. What would you select and why? o Less than 1.5 C Warming o 1.5 C Warming o 2.0 C Warming o Other PART 2: Figure out how to meet it Now that you have selected a long-term temperature goal to keep the rise in global temperature to a specified level, let’s figure out what it takes to reach that goal using the En-ROADS Climate Solutions Simulator. Steps 1. Open En-ROADS at en-roads.climateinteractive.org/ . If you are new to En- ROADS, review the Guide to the En-ROADS Control Panel and watch the introductory video to En-ROADS. 2. Develop a scenario. Use En-ROADS to develop your vision of limiting global warming (established in part 1). Save your scenario link: Click on "Share
Your Scenario" in the upper right-hand corner of En-ROADS, then choose "Copy Scenario Link." Or screenshot your scenario and include below. 3. Answer the questions. After developing your preferred scenario, write a concise response to the questions below. Questions 1. Your Plan : What are the top 3-5 most important policies in your strategy? (For example, the most important sliders that you moved). Paste your scenario link or a screenshot of your final En-ROADS dashboard. 2. Surprises: What surprised you about the behavior of the energy and climate system as captured in En-ROADS? For example, what actions had a bigger or smaller effect than you thought? 3. Hope: What trends in the world give you hope that your proposals are possible? 4. Personal Action: What can you personally do to help create the necessary changes?
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