


Lawrence Technological University *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by joeanderson661

GEOL 118-02: Physical Geology Homework #2: Earth’s Interior & Earthquakes (20 points) Scientists can use seismic data to determine the focus of earthquakes within the Earth. The location data for earthquakes can help us to learn about the structure of the Earth’s subsurface. The data contained within the table below show represent the depth of focus for numerous earthquakes as well as the distance of these earthquakes from a nearby convergent margin. Sequence Depth Below Surface (km) Depth from Convergent Margin (km) EQ1 430 575 EQ2 380 460 EQ3 430 620 EQ4 550 690 EQ5 175 320 EQ6 25 70 EQ7 640 760 EQ8 300 380 EQ9 115 195 EQ10 325 500 EQ11 360 420 EQ12 205 390 EQ13 510 670 EQ14 100 155 EQ15 655 755 (1) Graph the data provided in the table above on the blank chart on the next page. Place a at the location of each earthquake’s focus. When completed, draw a straight line through the data to indicate the general trend of the data. (6 points) (2) What is the name of the geologic feature you have just plotted? (2 points) (3) Using the line that you drew through your data points, predict the depth below the surface of an earthquake measured to be 550 km from the convergent margin. (2 points) (4) What does this geologic feature indicate about the processes occurring in the subsurface? Be specific, and relate your answer to global-scale processes. (2 points)
(5) Sketch the structure of Earth’s interior. Label and describe the different chemical and physical transitions. (4 points) (6) Describe the following plate-driving mechanisms and how they differ from one another. (4 points)
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