Were you surprised by the inclusion of any of Ekvall's ten
dimensions? Are there any additional dimensions that you
think should have been included?
Which dimension of creative climate was the hardest to
Share any insights or thoughts about the creative climate
for the organization you evaluated. Discuss the one to
two dimensions that received the highest and lowest
In addition, upload the following file:
Your completed Ekvall's dimensions of a creative climate
assessment using the dimensions of creative climate
I was not too surprised by the inclusion of any of Ekvall’s ten dimensions, other than maybe conflict and
its negative correlation. I also see why conflict would be included as it influences a creative climate. If I
were to add any dimensions, I would maybe choose feedback, but that may fall under idea support.
There’s also rewards/recognition that could potentially be included as well. The hardest dimension to
evaluate was trust and openness. Before stepping in and making a strategic plan, the company would
have been a 0 to a 1, but I decided to make it a 2 as we are changing our processes, including the way we
communicate. I put conflict at a 1, making it the lowest score. The highest scores would have to be
challenge, dynamism and liveliness, freedom, risk taking, idea time, and idea support.