Check You Understanding (6.3 – 6.8)
#1. Why is the rick from flooding so high in Asia? (Select All that apply)
Precipitation is intense during the monsoon season.
Large population
Population live along major rivers
#2. Which of the following is NOT a major factor that influences the damage that a flood causes?
The number of dams on the river.
#3. The Water-Energy-Food Nexus focuses on understanding the balance that must be stuck when managing our water resources. Key ingredients of the Nexus include all but________.
Agricultural use of water diminishes reservoir power generation #4. Which of the following is NOT an example of how urbanization influences a river or stream?
Urbanization increases flood lag time by the network of street sewers.
#5. How might a river be affected if the surrounding area were to be converted from forest to farmland?
Increased amounts of sediment would increase the gradient of the stream