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Jul 2, 2024





Uploaded by EarlSummerFlamingo36

Unit 5 - 71 - The Habitable Planet Habitable Planet Lesson 11 – Atmospheric Pollution Watch the Video Raylan Wash As you watch the video, answer the following focus questions . 1. Why is it important to study the atmosphere in relation to air pollution? It is important to study the atmosphere in relation to air pollution as it will give us the ability to predict where pollution will go, and how it will affect the environment. With such a global scale issue as pollution, its important for us to learn and study it so that humanity as a whole can have the tools to counteract it 2. How do primary and secondary pollutants form? Primary pollutants are formed from factory plant exhaust, or car exhausts. They come from places or items that directly cause pollution. Secondary pollutants form when primary pollutants mix with either other pollutants or other substances in the air. They are formed not on purpose but by chance through natural mixture. 3. W ha t are the names and chemical formulas for three of the most studied pollutants (primary or sec ondar y)? The names of the three most studied pollutants are Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Hydrogen Carbon (CH4), and Ozone (O3). 4. W ha t is MIL A GR O? MILARGO, or the Megacity Initiative Local And Global Research Observations is an international study dedicated to researching air pollution in big cities called “megacities” . They study how pollutants are transported across the atmosphere and how air pollution impacts human and animal health. 5. Why is it important that we study Mexico C it y? It is important to study Mexico City as it is one of the largest megacities in the world . It is also know for having a lot of issues when it comes to air pollution. Using this city as a base for the study of air pollution in big cities is important so we can study exactly where this pollution comes from, and how it effects the environment of that area. Understanding Mexico City can help with the research and solving of air pollution issues in other cities. 6. W ha t is important about Aerodyne’s mobile labor a t or y? Aerodyne’s mobile laboratory is important as it lets scientists measure air pollution anywhere and get instant results . It’s mobility allows onsite and quick measurements. 7. How are atmospheric pollutants measured? Atmospheric pollutants are measure with a device called an AMS or Aerosol Mass Spectrometer. The AMS is able to detect a wide range of molecular mass and it allows scientists to track pollutants in the atmosphere. 8. W ha t are some of the health risks associa t ed with atmospheric pollution?
Unit 5 - 71 - The Habitable Planet Some of the risks associated with atmospheric pollution include lung cancer, and asthma which can have huge negative effects on your heart putting you at risk for heart attacks. 9. How long does it take for the global air to cir cula t e once around the world? It takes two weeks for global air to circulate once around the world 10. W ha t are some regional and global effects of atmospheric pollution? Some of the regional and global effects of atmospheric pollution include health risks, harming of ecosystems and climate change. Discuss the Video Answer the following essay questions about the video . 1. What implications does Aerodyne’s mobile laboratory have for emissions monitoring and control of automobiles? Aerodynes mobile laboratory allows for real time and instant monitoring of air pollution. The results it provides can help with the making of more efficient vehicles, and faster mandating of air quality control policies. 2. How does the temperature of each of the atmospheric layers aff ec t the behavior or pollution? It can effect the behavior of pollution in both positive and negative ways. Warmer temperatures remove pollution from the ground level, but cooler air keeps pollution in our environment. 3. Why is the creation of ground ozone harmful? Ground ozone can cause harming effects on the human body like respiratory irritation due to its reactiveness. 4. W ha t can be done to decrease the air pollution that will be produced by an increasing world population? Ways to decrease the air pollution can be simple like the classic “reduce, reuse, recycle” statement taught to us as kinds, but some more advanced measure can and already being put into place. Cars are about to be all electrically mandated, reducing car fumes. Policies can be put in place on air quality, and teaching younger people about it in school will leave them wanting to help the environment as young people are very impressionable. .
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