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\l. \l e, --r ' \-9.p.-, \i ~o '3 6 \'£ t:32.1 o Professor Michael Needham Introduction to Finance Midterm Exam, October 16 1h , 2023 lmport~nt: Print your name and student ID# on each page. You w,11 have I :20 to complete this exam. At the end of the exam are financial statements that are referred to , and a list of formulas that are being supplied. A correct answer with no work or substantially incorrect work shown gets no credit. For problems where a cash flow timeline is supplied , fill in the timeline completely correctly to get credit , however you only need show as many periods as is required to solve the problem. Write solutions legibly where indicated , and answer to the accuracy required. Circle your final answer You may use any device you like ( computer, pad, calculator, phone app) to answer questions This exam is being administered under the University's rules for academic conduct and the Code of Academic Integrity applies . Implications include, but are not limited, to things like: You may not communicate with any individual, consult any outside resource, or use any shared spreadsheet to complete the exam. If you are using a spreadsheet or calculator, it may not be preprogrammed or have formulas in the cells. With th~ exception of Excel/calculator functions, you must write all your own formulas . Initial here to indicate that you have read and understand the ' se instructions that were previously gone over in class and posted on bCourses. Un-initialed exams will not be graded. Initials: SN Score (points possibl e) : 0 (4) la. .3 (7) Ji . lb. ( 7) J15'. 0 ( l Oj Jc. ( 7j 3c. 3 ( IO ) C Id. 2 (5 ) le. C) (5) 5 Ja. s (5) via. (5j )b . -$- r5J ~- :5 (5) Jc. (]OJ 451 4 ( I Oi Totat_!!_L (JOO) /4. 0 (5) Name: LJGBA 103 FA23 Midterm ..... SID: I l
I - 1. Here is the US Treasury yield curve as of 9/21/23 (rates in percent), which you can assume applies to both zero-coupon (zeroes), and coupon bond payments: 1 Mo 6 Mo 1 Yr 2 Yr 5. 52 5. 52 5.46 5.12 5 Yr 7 Yr 10 Yr 20 Yr 30 Yr 4.61 4.57 4. 49 4.74 4. 56 a. Using the method discussed in class and the text for replicating a coupon bond using zero-coupon yields, on 9/21/23 what was the price of a risk-free, 3-year, $1,000 par # ej.,,~ ~. value bond with 3.25% annual coupons, assuming the first coupon will be paid one f°'- {" year out? (to the cent) {7 pts} ::;- IP""I'°'" . '-\. - 3 2.. S ;:: 0 - 3D16q \ 6 s: 4--6 c; . I 2- k-& ,;-; · 2- 'S) l o-oC) \v=- \. ~ -\ '?'2-W '3 · 2- '5" · / ?. . 2s/ . \ om l o.rD enc.JL - 3).,SO -32...so - \7 ;-J ll~ S:- \6 . 64- L. ~"'D D . b. You buy a 30-year $1000 par value zero and the Fed is not successful in controlling inflation, so that the yield on this specific bond increases to 6.50% in one year. If you decide to sell the bond in one year, what is your total annual return? (tenth of a percent, use the table to lay out your financial calculator inputs or show formula) ( :o,9-07 . - ½ {7 pts } ;:; ct,, J, '--\. .vl.O. --\-' .. PY @ ' '? . FY 100 D · NPER 30 RATE, I C - So · I · PMT cc; . AD? Pagel UGBA 103 FA23 Midterm
XC$i!t! c. I want to invest for 1 year so I buy a 1- year maturity B- rated (by S&P) corporate zero-coupon bond . AB-rated bond is "Solvent in the short-term, but adverse events could impact its ability to meet its financial commitments" and there is a 3% chance of default in the next year, so there is a 1.5% risk premium above the risk- fr ee rate for these bonds, and if the bond defaults investors willonly receive half of the par value . Using the method discussed in the text and class for a bond with a risk of default, what · is the price of_ the bond? Remem~er that this method determines expected payout and from there calculates yields. (hundredths of a percent, use the table to lay out your financial calculator inputs or show formula) {7 pts} PY 0 FY ,~ NPER \ RATE, I ?J -J PMT 0 AD? n \ .S · / · o\S y.:::: Name: vl. I<'.'. ~t 1: 1 t-Ji'\"'1"' SID: °Jo'5 ,S~.t, ro . 7-e,,v o :...o· P ;:; ~S\J 'fTM..::.- ~v ,.,, \ ---f V--,,.) ' -- - Page2 UGBA 103 FA23 Midterm J WWW
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d. What is the what is the yield to maturity of the bond in part (c)? (hundredths of a percent) {5 pts} e. What is the expected return of the bond in part (c) if the bond defaults? (hundredths of a percent) {5 pts} tf-;..v \ \vJ- .!.-- ~o 2. See AAPL's Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet as of 7 /1/23 at the end of the exam. On 6/30/23 AAPL was trading for $194 per share and there were 15.77~ shares outstanding. r: -oi._..ul.O'v\. = I -::>i7,t- a. Using the information provided, according to the market what was AAPL's Enterprise Value?($ million) {5 pts} \So 1 2i1 ISL\'2..iO =-- \66543 "X)4 <:oo i1 - to · M Name: ~\Ju..\.l..~ \ T\ "-JA '1:.Vl Page 3 SID: 3o,>-G tS"U,(u :::: ~ . UGBA 103 FA23 Midterm
I I I I - ~J)-F- 6-to · \"9~ TV b. What was AAPL's Market- to - Book ratio? (2 decimal places) {5 pt s} ~s c. AAPL's annualized Free Cash Flow for the year just ended is $100 billion and is expected to be $110 B next year, $120 B the year after that, and after that the FCF is expected to grow by 5. 75% per year forever and ever. The opportunity cost of capital for investing in a company with Apple's risk is 9.5%. The $1 Q09 just earned is not needed since it is already reflected in the balance sheet. What do you estimate AAPL's Enterprise Value to be?($ million; Fill out only as many periods on the timeline as necessary to complete the problem, and show the formulas you used) {10 pts} ( HJ) . c~.2 . 0 2 3 ('T \J J 'r I nc:.wcw'Y I I I I I ,J~o ot--\ HOOO,t-\ 1 \lO~M \ 2 6G\3t->i 12> 11 1~6 . 1{M 9,, \ t) . Cl, ~ ,t l 2.6 C\0'.9 ( '\ - ~-to - 1~ · / ' 7b 0 1 · %>9 j0 C er xo-r") \004 '56 . 62-- l A-6S~ - 63 t' 'v =:. ~zgqt51 S . Q_A't5 . (;y- = N:i ~V T OIJ"A .CV Co := 2~~\ ~ - 2 t\ == 3'3 ?2..(,o 2 . 2S M ( _) d. According to your calculations in (c) does the market undervalue or overvalue Apple share prices? (please cite your calculations from above) {5 pts} M \J ' ~ 4 = GV~-cU)ot- ;::,.. 334- 4 i6 S- . '2::, . M).)Q -= 3 A.. b. b& ~ - 2.. \ I \ S175 \ 2..t 2 . 04-J Old . ~-< (r'Ac..-e. - 5\CA.q. \'v\(V~ ~;"\ ~4- Name : ~'-'u..U.~\'T\ l.Y-\. lYJ SID: 'JD6bl s 32 \ o Page4 UGBA 103 FA23 Midterm
I' I 3. You are looking for a new home a. A realtor has told you that there Is a terrific Craftsman bungalow in Berkeley for sale for $1.6 milli on, but you don't think you ' ll be ready to buy for 10 years. They tell you that by then the house will cost $2 .8 million. What rate of annual home inflation did they assume? (hundredths of a percent; show the formula you used) (4 pts} \ V\ t\o-.OOV' == (2 · 'r> - l• X 1 60 ::__ 7 5 . 1 ::=- 7- 50 . / . \ · ~ j \0 G Io'-'\ e.btY1 ~o b. There is a smaller place for sale for $1.2 million. A bank has offered to lend you 80% of the purchase price, with monthly compounrnng and payments for the 30-year maturity mortgage. Although banks generally quote rates as APRs, this o~ offering you an EAR of 6.0% per year. How much will your monthly paym ent be if the payment is made at the beginning of every month? (cents for answer, use a percent rounded to 4 decimal places, that is 0.nnnn%, for the rate; fill out the first and last couple of periods on the timeline to complete the problem, and show the formulas you used) Show calculator inputs on following page { 10 pts} 0 2 3 - 'Sb S7 -9 G Pages UGBA 103 FA23 Midterm
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I PV - G\600to0 C ( . <t,;,<.\ .2-M) FY 0 NPER ~,o \ B o'/... l?-"\ RA TE , I . 4 ,BG lo ' ( · i, GA {') \ I I 2. H- - - \ " PMT ~ t tf M.'f ( ,, (}j ~,,,., ...... f . ,,J '360 / - 960 6 . l\ ~s I AD ? - c. You ended up taking out a $1 million loan to buy the house, and 20 years later, with 10 years remaining on the loan, you are trying to remember how to split up a loan payment between interest and principal. The loan had a rate of 4% APR with monthly payments of $4,774.~ due at the end of each month. On the amortization schedule below for"ffie first month of the 21 st year, fill in the 4 blanks for: Beg inning balance; the amount of principal and interest due for the month; ahd the ending balance after the loan payment is made. (cents) Show calculator inputs or formula on following page {10 pt s} ,;::; M~ Loan beginning balance (after 20 years) -ooo / 0) ~0<'6' f'j ;:::'(-AO~ Interest (','.) <-'£ e.;::. 1£- )-. 1 ..2 : \:;2.0 . P ri ncipal T otal payment E nding balance Name : ) ~ SID: ~'.3,(. ~ >2-L <> Page6 UGBA 103 FA23 Midterm
Na me: · SI D: PV FV NP ER RAT E, I PMT AD? \ 0 \o 'f-.. I '2- 4. · /' \ \.2- .:: b · 3~· / · -A--114 - $""" - Page 7 UGBA 103 FA23 Midterm
4 · The following 3 questions, parts (a) through (c) , are unrel a ted : {5 pts) Name: SID : a. What inherent characte r istic of corporations creates the need for a sys tem of check s on manager behavior? (circle the correct an s wer) 1. The best method of reducing conflicts of interest between shareholder s and corporate managers is to allow the shareholders the ability to run the corporation themselves . It is more efficient and provides a drastic reduction in conflicts of interest. 11. Corporate managers are by nature greedy and should not be trusted in any way.Therefore, a system of checks, created by the Board of Directors, is normally instituted to control managerial behavior. @ The corporation allows for the separation of managem~nt and own~rship . Thus, those who control the operations of the corporation and how its money is spent are not the same who have invested in the corporation. This creates a clear conflict of interest and this conflict between the investors and managers creates the need for investors to devise a system of checks on managers-the system of corporate governance . iv. There really is no need to have a system of corporate governance since if shareholders are not satisfied with the management of a company they can simply sell their shares in that company . b. Your brother-in-law tells you that a friend told him "My skin hurts! What is going on with iPhone 15 Pro Max?" and that they are prone to overheating. An analyst says that the overheating issue was due to "compromises" in the phone's des i gn as the company attempted to reduce the product's weight, and that this will reduce projected sales of the model as a result. And you read last week that the iPhone 15 Pro Max is frequently igniting in people's pants. Your brother-in-law tells you to short the stock. Based on the class and book conversations on efficient markets, what should you do? (circle the correct answer) {5 pts} i. Long the stock, AAPL will always outperform the market 11. Short the stock, sales will plummet for about a year until Apple can introduce a new model iii. Do nothing, it will have a small impact on Apple 's long -term prospects @ o~ nothing, this is all public information and is already incorporated in stock prices. PageB UGBA 103 FA23 Midterm
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Name: SID: c. What is the significance of th I What else can you say ab t ::o nt on the x- axis that the arrow is directed at? discount rates and j ou e graph? (give your answer in terms of NPVs pro ect attractiveness) {10 pts} ' $30 $20 $10 so 0, 0,. {$10} !SlOl (S30) S. 0% 10.o'K NPV I 15.o'K 20°" 2S . <1% Oi sc ou"t Rate Page9 UGBA 103 FA23 Midterm '