FNSCRD401 - Short Answer Questions V1



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FNSCRD401 – Assess Credit application (Release 1) Short Answer Questions Short Answer Questions Page | 1 of 10 © Real Estate Academy Australia RTO 32436 Version 1.0 - December 2021
FNSCRD401 – Assess Credit application (Release 1) Short Answer Questions What you need to do: Answer the questions below by writing in the space provided. You are required to answer all questions correctly. If correct, you will see ‘Satisfactory’ or if incorrect you will see ‘Not Satisfactory’ in your grades section of your learner portal next to the assessment name. The assessor will provide feedback and a Record of Results in the assessment task once graded. You will be required to resubmit your work for any ‘Not Satisfactory’ assessment tasks. What you will need: Use the learner material provided in your online student portal as well as research materials such as books, the internet, magazines, workplace documentation etc. to assist you in gaining the knowledge required to answer the questions. Remember that the assessment is completely self-paced and open book, so you can use whatever resources you have to answer the questions. What you need to submit: Your completed Short Answer Questions How to Submit your Assessment: Upload your completed document into the “FNSCRD401– Short Answer Questions” Online Assessment in your learner portal. You can drag and drop the file into the window or use the add file icon in the top left of the submission window and select the file your wish to upload by using the browse/choose file option. Click on finish attempt to submit it for grading. Page | 2 of 10 © Real Estate Academy Australia RTO 32436 Version 1.0 - December 2021
FNSCRD401 – Assess Credit application (Release 1) Short Answer Questions Question 1 Determine two reasons why lenders do benefit from securitisation. Liquidity Enhancement Securitisation allows lenders to convert loans, which are typically illiquid assets, into securities that can be sold on the open market. This process provides lenders with immediate cash flow, enhancing their liquidity.  Risk Diversification Securitisation also allows lenders to diversify their risk. When a lender issues a loan, it assumes the risk that the borrower may default. By selling the loan as a security, the lender transfers this risk to the buyers of the security. Question 2 Describe the following Home Loan Features: Redraw The redraw feature in a home loan allows borrowers to access extra repayments they have made on their mortgage. Loan portability Loan portability allows borrowers to transfer their existing mortgage to a new property, maintaining their Page | 3 of 10 © Real Estate Academy Australia RTO 32436 Version 1.0 - December 2021
FNSCRD401 – Assess Credit application (Release 1) Short Answer Questions current loan terms and potentially saving on fees and application processes. Repayment holiday A repayment holiday allows borrowers to temporarily pause or reduce their home loan repayments, offering financial relief during challenging times. Question 3 List the common supporting documentation that an applicant will be required when applying for a mortgage loan. ID verification Bank statements (usually 3 months) Liability statements Payslips or proof of income (Tax returns, BAS statements...) Contract of sale if purchasing a property Council Rate Notice if refinancing an existing loan. Asset and Liability statement Question 4 Individuals with Special Needs are protected by laws in Australia and a mortgage broker has a responsibility to ensure the client fully understand the service provided. Define special needs customers and provide examples of special needs. An individual with special needs is defined as having a mental, emotional, or physical disability. Special needs can vary widely and may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Physical Disabilities: These are conditions that affect a person's mobility or physical capacity. Examples include individuals who use wheelchairs, have limited strength or dexterity, or have a loss of limb. Accommodations: Ramps, automatic doors, accessible restrooms, etc. Page | 4 of 10 © Real Estate Academy Australia RTO 32436 Version 1.0 - December 2021
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