Audience-based argument worksheet2 (1)



Lone Star College System, North Harris *

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May 24, 2024





Uploaded by CoachBravery14353

ENGL 1302: Audience-Based Argument Worksheet Directions: Choose ONE claim and audience from the audience-based reasons discussion questions 3 or 4, which I’ve also listed below (items 1-10), and fill in the second page of this document . The discussion questions are meant to help you generate audience-based reasons, and I encourage to look at what other students shared for ideas. On the next page, you must fill in the claim and audience (copied from the list), and at least one audience-based reasons along with an explanation (as noted by the asterisks). However, if you have two or three reasons, fill in those as well. The idea is that you will be composing an audience-based argument about this claim to this audience, and having more than one audience-based reason may make researching the argument easier. As I noted in the directions to the discussion questions, you are trying to get people in the group to change their typical position by coming up with a reason based on their own beliefs or values. In trying to come up with reasons and explain how they support that audience’s values, it would be helpful to have in front of you my additional notes about liberal and conservative beliefs, which are in the Website Analysis folder. Also, be sure to read “Notes on Audience-Based Reasons” in the Audience-Based Argument folder. Your submission of this document allows me to help guide you with that assignment. Again, choose one of the following ten items, fill in the boxes on the second page, and submit the second page to the “Audience-Based Argument Worksheet” dropbox: Identify reasons based on conservative values for a conservative audience to accept one of the following (typically liberal ) claims: 1. 1. Conservatives should support the expansion of bilingual education. 2. 2. Conservatives should support increasing the federally mandated minimum wage. 3. 3. Conservatives should support the elimination of capital punishment. 4. 4. Conservatives should support a carbon tax as the best means of reducing carbon emissions. 5. 5. Conservatives should support the passage of laws that will require the government or businesses to provide flexible schedules, paid paternity leave, and free child care. Identify reasons based on liberal values for a liberal audience to accept
one of the following (typically conservative ) claims: 1. 6. Liberals should support the building of more nuclear energy power plants in the U. S. 2. 7. Liberals should support hunting in the U. S. 3. 8. Liberals should support allowing the use of taxpayers’ money to pay for tuition at private schools for students at low-performing schools. 4. 9. Liberals should support greater development and use of genetically modified foods in the world. 5. 10. Liberals should support greater spending on the U.S. military. Name: Natalie Ramirez *Claim (copied from the list): Conservatives should support the elimination of capital punishment. *Audience (copied from the list): Conservatives *Audience-based reason #1: Conservatives should support the elimination of capital punishment, because by allowing people to be killed it goes against the pro-life movement. *Identify which one of your audience’s values reason #1 appeals to and explain why it does so: It is seen that conservatives tend to follow the pro-life movement, because of topics such as abortion, and counting the fetus as a life. Audience-based reason #2: Conservatives should support the elimination of capital punishment, because going through with executions affects the mental health of those who are involved. Identify which one of your audience’s values reason #2 appeals to and explain why it does so: Although this can be seen more as a liberal opinion, one could think about how this affects the correctional staffs mental health and can
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