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Feb 20, 2024





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N RNATIONALIZATION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT and many more. Sometimes I have never even heard of the country, until 1 get rcady to ship the product,” says Ferit. Obviously, there i1s still much room for growth. Yarn Paradise uses companies ke DHL and UPS to help with shipping and logistics. While most transactions are quick and scamless, there are some problems in countnes where online commerce 1s still new, such as Eastern Europe The biggest 1ssue for Yarn Paradise 1s customs and customs duties. Buyers are often surpnised by them, and this creates a bad customer expenence Sources: eBay inc. (2014). Micro-multinationals, global consumers, and the WTO, Repont from a global conference at the 2013 WTO Public Forum on e-commerce and trade, downloaded at www.ebay mamstreet comvsites/default files/eBay-WTO-PF2013 pdf, Updasted in 2021 from: eBay Canada 2020, Entrepreneur of the Year Awards. htps //pages. ebay ca eoy/index html, World Economic Forum (2017). Meet the micro multunationals, selling everything from dolls’ clothes to dictionanes. www.weforum org/agenda’2017/06/meet- the-new-micro-multinationals-selling-everything -from-doll-s-clothes-to-dictionaries’, and'yarnparadise Case study questions 1 Yam Paradise 1s a micro-MNE. What 1s likely to be its next stage ofigrowth? What wall be 1ts next human resource challenges stemnmung from further growth? 2 Based on the case study, descnbe important HR 1ssues facing Yarn Paradise 3 What can large MNEs leam from micro MNEs about managing human resources”? Notes Goldin, I. and Muggah, R. (2020). Why the world needs better: Not less: Globahzation. World Economic Forum, December 15. agenda/2020/12/the-world-1s-divided-between-those-for-and-against- globalisation-what-if-we-just-did-it-better Foster, D. (2018). Globalization: Different cultures, different responses, different results, September 5. htps://dean-foster different-cultures-different-responses-different-results-4al 1 2fb63cba Some of that literature: Bhagwati, J. (2004, 2007). In Defense of Globalization, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press; Friedman, T. L. (2005, 2006, 2007). The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century (versions 1.0, 2.0, 3.0), New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux; Friedman, T. L. (2016) Thank You for Being Late, New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux; Naisbatt, J and Nashitt, D. (2016). Global Game Change, Thousand Oaks, CA/London, UK: SAGE Publications 4 For a complete overview of the ficld of intemational human resource ra e
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