The private enterprise system that exists in the United States is not a pure private enterprise system because there is a limited amount of government control. This private enterprise system is considered a mixed system—individuals and businesses are the primary economic decision makers, while government helps regulate and control the system. The government steps in only to protect citizens; otherwise, it lets them pursue their own goals.
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Competition is a rivalry between two or more businesses to attract scarce customer dollars. Therefore, a business must obtain and use resources efficiently. This will help the company keep its prices competitive with those of other firms. Other ways in which businesses compete for customers are by giving better credit options than those offered by rival companies, improving goods and services, creating new goods and services, and providing better service than their competitors.
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Profit is the monetary reward business owners receive in return for taking the risk involved in starting a business. The desire to make a profit, called the profit motive, forms the economic basis for the private enterprise system. If a business did not make a profit, it would eventually
cease to exist. The freedom to use your private property to make a profit is as important as the freedom to own private property in the first place. Profit serves as a motive, or reason, for
starting a business and a goal toward which the individual or the business can work. Individuals and businesses in private enterprise can keep any profit they earn, or they can use
it in any way they wish. For this reason, many people consider making a profit the greatest motivating factor in the private enterprise system.
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A private enterprise economy is often called a price-directed system because price determines what consumers buy, which jobs they will take, the success or failure of businesses, and the types of products that will be produced. Prices are important in making the system work correctly. Supply and demand work together to determine prices in a private
enterprise system. Consumers indicate their demand for products by the prices they are willing to pay for them.
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Answers will vary but should be one of the following disadvantages of the private enterprise system:
(9 points)
Unemployment. At times, production drops because sales are low. When this happens, companies may lay off workers or even go out of business. This results in periods of unemployment. •
Poverty. There are still many people in the United States and in other countries with private enterprise systems who are not able to afford the basic necessities of life.
Unequal distribution of property and income. Some people own a great deal of property while others own little or none because they do not have the money to buy it. The private enterprise system does not always make it easy for people to increase their income, especially if they do not have access to higher education, training, and skills. LAP-EC-015-CS ©2019, MBA Research and Curriculum Center® People Power