ML-COMP3020-Lecture 2-Decision Trees



University of Technology Sydney *

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Computer Science


Oct 30, 2023





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Decision Trees COMP3020 - Machine Learning KHOA D. DOAN Slides adapted from SOHEIL KOLOURI
Previously e \What does “learning by examples” mean? o Classification tasks o Learning requires examples + inductive bias o Memorization is not enough, need generalization o Formalizing the learning problem m Learning as function approximation m Learning as minimizing expected loss
Today: Decision Trees What is decision tree? How to learn a decision tree from data? What is inductive bias? What exactly is generalization?
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Day @ Weather Temperature Humidity Wind Play? Atraining set: <y ot figh | Weak | No | Playmg Badminton Cloudy Hot High Weak Yes 3| sunny Mild Normal | Strong | Yes 4 Cloudy Mild High Strong Yes 5 Rainy Mild High Strong No 6 Rainy Cool Normal Strong No 7 Rainy Mild High Weak Yes 8 Sunny Hot High Strong No 9 Cloudy Hot Normal Weak Yes [Source] 10 Rainy Mild High Strong No
A decision tree for playing badminton [ } Each node tests a Weather _ feature (attribute) Each branch correspondS/‘\ to a feature value gynny Cloudy Rainy | (outcome) \ [ Humidity} Yes [ Wind 1 /High Norn{ }‘ong Weak\ Each leaf node assigns No Yes . . No Yes a final decision
Decision Trees e Representation o Each node tests a feature (attribute) o Each branch corresponds to a feature value (outcome) o Each leaf node assigns a final decision (classification) m Or adistribution over decisions e A decision tree represents a function that maps examples In XtoaclassinY:-: f. <Weather, Temperature, Humidity, Wind> PlayBadminton?
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Exercise: represent Boolean functions with decision trees AND OR XOR
Exercise: represent Boolean functions with decision trees AND OR XOR X1 X2 X18&X2 T T T T F F F T F F F F ° False True False
Today: Decision Trees What is decision tree? How to learn a decision tree from data? What is inductive bias? What exactly is generalization?
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Function approximation with decision trees Problem Setting e Setof possible instances X feature vector = [zq,...,z4] X e Unknown target function f: X Y Y is discrete valued e Set of function hypotheses H = {h|h : X Y|} h is a decision tree Input e J[raining examples {(m(l),y(l)), (m(z),y(z)), Cee (:L'(N),y(N))} of unknown target function Output: Hypothesis h H that best approximates target function f 10
Decision Trees Learning e Find the hypothesis h ¢ H o Such that it minimizes the training error o Or maximizes the training accuracy e Challenges? o H is too large for exhaustive search 11
Decision Trees Learning e Find the hypothesis h ¢ H o Such that it minimizes the training error o Or maximizes the training accuracy e Challenges? o H is too large for exhaustive search o We opt for heuristic (greedy) search algorithms that m Pick questions to ask, in order m Such that classification accuracy is maximized 12
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Top-down Induction of Decision Trees DTtrain(examples for CurrentNode, features at CurrentNode): Find F, best decision feature for CurrentNode For each value of F, create new child node Assign training examples to child node If training examples perfectly classified Stop Else Recursively apply DTtrain over this new child node 13
How to select the best feature? e A good feature is one that lets us make “correct’ classification decisions I\ B o]V N olo V1 (o B-T el g1\ e] g (SN [SL=X] [ a WAV o F= 1 "\VZ0 101 [0 MY O o150 o One way: select feature that results in the best classification accuracy o Let'stryitout: o Build a decision tree with Humidity and Wind only 14
Build a decision tree: partition with Wind? [ Wind ] Weak Weather Day Temperature Humidity Wind Play? 1 Sunny Hot High Weak No 2 Cloudy Hot High Weak Yes 3 Sunny Mild Normal Strong Yes 4 Cloudy Mild High Strong Yes 5 Rainy Mild High Strong No 6 Rainy Cool Normal Strong | No 7 Rainy Mild High Weak Yes 8 Sunny Hot High Strong No 9 Cloudy Hot Normal Weak Yes 10 Rainy Mild High Strong | No - 15
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Weather Build a decision Day Temperature = Humidity Wind Play? tre_e' partltlon with 1 sunny Hot High Weak No Wind? 2 Cloudy Hot High Weak Yes [ Wind ] (3 Sunny Mild Normal Strong Yes 4 Cloudy Mild High Strong Yes 5 Rainy Mild High Strong No \_ 6 Rainy Cool Normal Strong No Acc: 0.75 Acc: 0.66 Avg: 0.71 7 Rainy Mild High Weak Yes 8 Sunny Hot High Strong No 9 Cloudy Hot Normal Weak Yes 10 Rainy Mild High Strong No 16
Build a decision tree: partition with Humidity? [ Wind ] Weak Y N Y D Avg: 0.71 Strong [ Humidity ] High Normal Avg: 0.67 Day @ Weather Temperature Humidity Wind Play? 1 Sunny Hot High Weak No 2 Cloudy Hot High Weak Yes 3 Sunny Mild Normal Strong Yes 4 Cloudy Mild High Strong Yes 5 Rainy Mild High Strong No 6 l Rainy Cool Normal Strong | No 7 | Rainy Mild High Weak Yes 8 Sunny Hot High Strong = No 9 Cloudy Hot Normal Weak Yes 10 Rainy Mild High i Strong | No ]
Build a decision tree: partition with Humidity & Wind? [ Wind ] Weak Strong [ Humidity ] High Normal Acc: 0.75 Acc: 1.00 Avg: 0.875 Weather Day Temperature Humidity Wind Play? 1 Sunny Hot f High Weak No \‘ 2 Cloudy Hot J\ahHighg\ ~ Weak =\Yesl%)\ 3 Sunny Mild | Normal Strong Yes | 4 Cloudy Mild High Strong Yes 5 Rainy Mild High Strong No 6 Rainy Cool Normal | Strong No 7 | Rainy ild High | Weak | Yes || 8 Sunny Hot i ngh S;rong | No 9 Cloudy Hot Normal Weak Yes 10 Rainy Mild High Strong | No - 18
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Another feature selection criterion: Entropy e Used in ID3 algorithm [Quinlan et al, 1963] o Pick feature with the smallest entropy to split the examples at each iteration e Entropy measures impurity of a sample of examples 19
Sample Entropy H(S) = —py logypy —p-logy p- e S is asample of training examples e p. proportion of positive samples in S e p_ proportion of negative samples in S e entropy measures the impurity of S 20
Entropy of a random variable e Entropy H(X) of a random variable X- ZP = 1) log, P(X = 1) e H(X)isthe number of expected bits needed to encode a randomly drawn value of X (under most efficient code) 21
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Entropy of a random variable Entropy H(X) of a random variable X: ZP = 1) log, P(X = 1) e H(X)isthe number of expected bits needed to encode a randomly drawn value of X (under most efficient code) Why entropy? Information theory o To encode a message X = 7, the most efficient code assigns log, P(X = 1) bits o So the expected number of bits to encode one random X is: —ZP i) log, P(X = i) 22
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Conditional Entropy Conditional Entropy H(Y | X) of a variable Y conditioned on a random variable X m HY|X)=) P(X=jHY |X=j) H(Y |X=j)=Y PY=i| X =j)log, P(Y =i | X = j 23
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Conditional Entropy HY | X)= Y P(X= )Y P(Y =i | X = j)logy P(Y =i | X = j) =1 i=1 X, | %, | Y T|7 T | F |8 T | T B8 T | F BB F| T B F | F [BF
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Conditional Entropy HY | X)= Y P(X= )Y P(Y =i | X = j)logy P(Y =i | X = j) =1 i=1 Example: X X1 % LY ple: t/1\f T | T Bk T | F e P(X,=t) = 4/6 Yedih wased 1 P(X,=f) = 2/6 Y=F:0 yef. - T | F el F | T PBE F | F
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Conditional Entropy n H(Y | X)= - Y P(X =) P(Y =i| X = j)log, P(Y = | X = j) 7=1 1=1 Example: X, t/\f P(X4=t) = 4/6 Y=t:4 y=t-1 P(X,=f) = 2/6 Y=f:0 vy=f-1 H(Y|X,) =-4/6 (1log,1 + 0 log, 0) - 2/6 (1/2 log, 1/2 + 1/2 log, 1/2) = 2/6 X, | %, | Y T|7 T | F |8 T | T B8 T | F BB F| T B F | F [BF 26
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Information Gain e Decrease in entropy (uncertainty) after splitting IGIX)=H(Y)—-H(Y | X) 27
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Information Gain e Decrease in entropy (uncertainty) after splitting IGIX)=H(Y)—-H(Y | X) In our example: IG(X1)=H(Y) - H(Y | X;) m(m|A|—|[H| M| |7m|d|7n |4 X T (=SS S e < 28
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Information Gain e Decrease In entropy (uncertainty) after splitting IG(X)=H(Y) - H(Y | X) In our example: IG(X,)=H(Y)-H(Y | X1) = 0.65 0.33 IG(X) > 0 prefer the split X, | X, | Y T T T|F T T B T|F [ F| T |8 F | F BB 29
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Today: Decision Trees What is decision tree? How to learn a decision tree from data? What is inductive bias? What exactly is generalization? 30
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Inductive bias in decision tree learning s e The learning algorithm performs /{\ heuristic search through the e e \ space of all decision trees e |t stops at the smallest, fi% /'?5?\ acceptable tree N e Occam’s Razor: prefer the q . simplest hypothesis that fits the /{ES A ;E data + 31
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Why preference for short hypotheses? e Fewer short hypotheses than long ones o Therefore, a short hypothesis that fits the data is less likely to be a statistical coincidence. e But what is so special about short hypothesis? 32
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Today: Decision Trees What is decision tree? How to learn a decision tree from data? What is inductive bias? What exactly is generalization? 33
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Evaluating the learned hypothesis e Assume that o We've learned a tree h using the top-down induction algorithm o |t fits the training data perfectly e Are we done? o Can we guarantee we have found a good hypothesis? 34
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Examples of Class A Examples of Class B | - | Recall: Background in-focus Training Metrics do not tell us anything about generalization! ) £ - ~ - " ; T~ vy : - X Ty ' . A ST - S anityo) e . B Yo A = . - 3 . b i L 4 ) py y . ‘o n . p B - \ : ‘\' N ) l. R . 4y : : -
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Recall: Formalizing Induction e Given o a loss function [ o samples from some unknown data distribution D e OQOurtask is to compute a function f that has low expected error over D with respect to [ E (2 4)~n[l(y, £ Zvay y, f(z)) 36
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Training error is not sufficient e \We care about generalization to new (unseen) and related examples e A tree can classify training data perfectly, yet classify new examples incorrectly. How? 37
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Training error is not sufficient e \We care about generalization to new (unseen) and related examples e A tree can classify training data perfectly, yet classify new examples incorrectly. How? o Training data is only a sample from the data-generating distribution m A feature might correlate with class by coincidence o Training examples can be noisy m e.g., labeling mistakes 38
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Day { Weather | Temperature { Humidity Wind : : | » | *1 Add|ng d nO|Sy 1 | Sunny Hot | High - Weak training example , couqy Hot High | Weak 3 | Sunny Mild Normal | Strong Mild High Strong Sunny Cloudy Rainy Mild ' ngh Strong Cool Normal Strong Mild .~ High | Weak High Normal Strong Weak 1 ——— r / N / N Hot High Strong No Yes No Yes | o ! 9 | Cloudy Hot ~ Normal | Weak 10 Rainy Mild High Strong 11 Sunny Mild | High ;Strong;
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Day { Weather | Temperature { Humidity Wind : : | » | *1 Add|ng d nO|Sy 1 | Sunny Hot | High - Weak training example , couqy Hot High | Weak 3 | Sunny Mild Normal | Strong Mild High Strong y ot iy Mild | High Strong Cool Normal Strong Mild .~ High | Weak High Normal Strong Weak 1 ——— r / N / N Hot High Strong No Yes No Yes | o ! 9 | Cloudy Hot ~ Normal | Weak 10 Rainy Mild High Strong 11 Sunny Mild | High ;Strong;
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Overfitting e Given a hypothesis h and its: o Training Error over training data erroriq;,(h) o True Error over all data errory.,.(h) 41
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Overfitting e Given a hypothesis h and its: o Training Error over training data erroriq;,(h) o True Error over all data errory.,.(h) e \We say h overfits the training data if: errorirein(h) < erroriue(h) e Amount of overfitting: erroriue(h) erroripqin(h) 42
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The need for test data e We don’t know errory.,.(h) 43
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The need for test data e We don’t know errory.,.(h) e Solution: o We set aside a test set m Some examples that will be used for evaluation o We never look at them during training o After learning, we calculate erroriest () 44
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Measuring the effect of overfitting in decision trees 0-9 I I I I I I I I I 0.85 0.8 0.75 Accuracy =) < 0.65 - 06 On training data —— . On test data —--— 035 M 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Size of tree (number of nodes)
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Underfitting vs. Overtfitting e \When underfitting? o Learning algorithms had the opportunity to learn more from training data, but didn't e \When overfitting? o Learning algorithms paid too much attention to learn the noisy part of the training data, resulting in a tree that does not generalize well on test data. e \What we want is: o A decision tree that neither underfits nor overfits o Because it is expected to do best in the future 46
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Recap: Decision trees e \What is decision tree? e How to learn a decision tree from data? o Top-down induction to minimize (training) classification error e \What is inductive bias? o Occam’s Razor: short trees are preferred e \What exactly is generalization? o Overfitting can be an issue 47
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