Command Syntax Key: Understanding Command Line Syntax | Examples



Washtenaw Community College *

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Computer Science


Jun 9, 2024





Uploaded by EarlRain7943

M3 Assignment Worksheet This assignment requires that you use your course virtual machine to execute network related commands and make changes to the system. Completing the assignment on another computer could potentially cause that computer to experience problems. Before you get started, make sure to review the Preparing for the M3 Assignment directions. Syntax Review Review the Command-Line Syntax Key at Microsoft Docs for additional information on what certain symbols mean when interpreting command syntax before continuing. Then, answer the following questions. What symbol(s) indicate optional arguments? ( 1 point ) Square brackets [] What symbol acts as a separator for mutually exclusive items? (1 point) Vertical bar | What symbol(s) indicate a Set of required items? (1 point) Plain text without any special characters Syntax Breakdown In this portion of the assignment you will break down the syntax of a command and construct a command line entry to meet your needs as an Admin in a certain situation. Scenario: You suspect there are problems with Group Policy on a Windows machine. You are not yet familiar with Group Policy, so you asked a coworker and she mentions that you should run the gpupdate command to update the policy in attempt to fix the issue. Command Breakdown - gpupdate Locate the Microsoft Docs syntax page for the gpupdate command. Break down the command as follows: According to the syntax of gpupdate , give an example of an argument that is considered to be optional for the command and summarize what that argument does ( 2 points ) /force is an example of an argument that is optional. This argument forces an update on all policies even if there are no changes. It can ensure that all policies are in place and can help with troubleshooting issues.
According to the syntax of gpupdate , give an example of an argument that is considered to be required for the command and summarize what that argument does ( 2 points ) /target is an example of this required argument. This argument allows you to target a specific computer or user who needs their policies updates. It is necessary to show the scope of the update action. Command Construction - gpupdate Now that you have broken down the syntax of gpupdate, c onstruct a single command that will do all of the following: Update Group Policy Computer settings (only) and reapply all policy settings, rather than just those that have changed. Write the full command including any needed arguments that will accomplish this below: ( 4 points ) gpupdate /target:computer /force This tagpupdatergets the specific computer and forces the reapplication of updated policy settings. Execute the command in the command prompt on your Windows virtual machine. Take a screenshot of the successful command and any output. Paste the screenshot here: ( 3 points )
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