SCS 100 Module Four Activity



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Computer Science


Jun 3, 2024





Uploaded by DeanTapirMaster906

SCS 100 Module Four Activity Name: Chasity Blue Date: 05/29/2022 Replace the bracketed text below with your responses. Support your responses with specific details and examples from your advertisements. You do not need to conduct outside research, but if you use sources, cite them using APA style. Describe the underlying meanings or socially significant messages each of your advertisements communicates.  Google: Body Type o This advertisement is for anyone no matter race, gender, or body. They are offering a way for individuals to workout in a fun way to work on their choice of body area right in the comfort of their home.  Audi: Let It Go Featuring Maisie Williams o In this advertisement, it is showing how anyone no matter what culture you come from or what you do for a living an Audi vehicle is perfect for you in your everyday life. Driving this vehicle will help you through your day if you’re having a rough one and will catch the eye of everyone you pass.  Burger King: Reduced Methane Whoppers o By creating this advertisement, Burger King is spreading the awareness of methane gas, a climate change issue caused by cows, to all individuals in a cute way. By purchasing one of these whoppers, you are making a difference and helping the Earth. They are focusing on a young audience that is more likely to want to eat at Burger King. 1
ï‚· Cannon: Truthmark o For this advertisement, the creator is providing a way for individuals to find the truth behind a photograph. By doing so, it eliminates all the false advertisements that photographers despise. For anyone who may question a photograph they are looking at that is in a magazine, posted on social media, or whatever source they are seeing it in there is now a way to see the truth and the story of what the photograph was meant to provide. Write a research question based on a social science perspective and related to at least one of your advertisements. ï‚· Who would care about this issue and why would this solution be right for them to care? Describe how you used a social science perspective to create your research question. ï‚· The first part of my question was deciding on what audience the advertisements I chose would focus on. Then I wanted to find out why the audience chosen was the right one. You must consider different cultures and different individuals and making sure everyone can relate in some aspect of the advertisement. I thought about how these advertisements would make someone watching them care and want to try them. 2
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