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Jan 9, 2024





Uploaded by JusticeJaguar3983

Bachelor of Teaching (primary) Assessment Cover Sheet Student Name: Josephine Richardson Student No.: ____ 11574867 _________ Subject Code: ___EMS406________ Subject Name: Science and Technology Curriculum Studies Assessment No.: 3 ___ Assessment Title: _____Online DLR ____ Lecturer: Lena Danaia ______________________________________________________________ Assessment due date: _13 ___/__10__/21____ Date Assessment submitted: __13__/__10__/_21___ PLEASE RETAIN A COPY OF THIS ASSESSMENT INDIVIDUAL / COLLABORATIVE WORK STATEMENT I / We certify that: 1) This assessment is my / our own original work and represents my / our intellectual property and that the material presented in this assessment, which is not otherwise acknowledged, is my / our own work. 2) This assessment has not been submitted before by me or anyone else in this or any other subject at a tertiary level for assessment. 3) I / we have read and understand the CSU Student Academic Misconduct Rule and associated penalties for academic misconduct. 4) I / we have retained a copy of this assessment. Name(s): Josephine Richardson Signature(s): Date: Note: If this is a collaborative assessment, ALL parties must sign Statement.
Online Digital Learning Resource: Website Address: https://shadowseasons.weebly.com/ Website QR code:
Features of the Digital Learning Resource: The digital learning resource (DLR) works in a chronological order that addresses Day & Night and shadows & seasons. Specifically it focuses on the Science and Technology content: “ What occurs as a result of the interactions between the Earth and Sun?” (NSW Education Standards Authority, 2017). The DLR incorporates a variety of media entertainment to capture and keep student’s attention. In this digital resource there is three set major tasks that require students to work scientifically and think critically. The first task addresses students’ misconceptions about day and night. It asks students to create a diagram of the interaction between the Earth, Moon and Sun. This addresses the design and production element of the NSW Education Standards Authority (2017) – “produce labelled and annotated drawings including digital graphic representations (ACTDEP015)”. This task is differentiated for different circumstances, allowing students to complete the diagram digitally or on paper. This task is to be used as a beginning basis, helping students understand the interaction between the Moon, Earth and the Sun, it also allows students to understand how day and night occur. It addresses the common misconceptions such as; viewing the Earth as a circular disc floating in space, Earth rotates while the sun and moon are set, sun is fixed and the moon revolves around the Earth (Skamp et al, 2017, pg. 440). Task One implements the 5E’s framework. It is addressed as a Explain activity as it requires students to apply their knowledge learn into scientific explanations such as using a diagram to represent their knowledge learnt. Task two focuses on shadows, it asks students to create their own sundial and observe the sundial as time progresses. It can be done over a series of science lessons, or integrated into creative arts, and the observation and documentation over two science lessons. It asks students to create a slide slow/ time laspe that presents their findings. This task allows students to address the misconceptions such as; sun sets behind the clouds, sun goes down to the other side, and the sun hides behind the moon. This task addresses these misconceptions by allowing children to observe the movement of shadows thought he use of a sundial (Skamp et al, 2017, pg. 441). This task is to be used after students have gain an understanding on the interactions between the sun moon and the Earth. This task addresses the NSW Education Standards and Authority (2017) elements of Design and production; “Collect, access and present data, using software to present and communicate information and solve problems”. This is addressed with the task requiring students to create a time-lapse/slideshow demonstrating their findings. Working Scientifically is addressed by “using a range of methods to sort and collate information”. This can be demonstrated by students needing digital evidence such as photographs, and the recording of the time on the sundial as each hour passes. Task two falls under the Explore category of the 5 E’s framework, as it requires students to take a hands on approach to stimulate their interest and mentally engages students (Australian Academy of Science, n.d.) . Task three is a creative experience that requires students to “consider sustainability and constraints when choosing resources and managing time in the production of designed solutions (ACTDEP016) (NSW Education Standards Authority, 2017). This task requires students to think critically about the characteristics of their chosen season, research their season and to collect sustainable resources such as plants, recycled materials etc and create their season. They are then to write a short summary with their findings. This task addresses the common misconceptions of the “sun turning hotter in the summer, snow makes winter colder, sun turns summer hotter” (Baxter, 1989; Skamp et al., 2017). Task three is a Explain activity as it requires students to investigate the chosen seasons and to represent the knowledge that they have gained through a creative diagram (Australian Academy of Science, n.d.). In addition to the three major tasks set, the DLR also incorporates introduction activities that hosts a variety of media functions. Each task has an allotted you tube video that can be used as a learning basis or a recap
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