What was most surprising to you from the article that you read? Please elaborate and give
examples to support your response.
I found the article itself surprising. I had not thought about the impact of the immigration process on anxiety. As a caseworker, I come across many clients who often travel back and forth between El Paso and Juarez to visit family. This article opened my eyes to anxiety's impact on Mexicans based on their lineage and location near or on the border. I found it interesting that anxiety is higher for those in non-bordering cities. However, it can be assumed it is because they are further from family and have more difficulties visiting family or friends (p. 48). There can also be an issue with family emergencies and not being close by or 'just
a phone call away.' Family plays a significant role in Mexican culture, so it is easy
to understand why one's physical location and distance from another could increase anxiety.
What are your thoughts on some of the cultural differences found and discussed in the article? Do you agree with the findings?
One cultural difference was “…Mexican immigrants were more likely to visit the neighbor country within the last 12 months…” (p. 48). This stood out to me because one of my clients recently shared the guilt she feels for not having visited
a family member more often before they passed away. My client lives in El Paso, and the deceased family member in Juarez. My client is struggling with guilt as many do with how often to visit the neighboring country. It makes sense to me that Mexican immigrants would be more likely to visit as that is home for them and less likely for U.S.-born Mexicans. My client was born in the U.S. and does not consider Juarez home, so she does not visit often as it is not a priority for her. I would agree with the findings for that reason, but I would add that the guilt of not visiting neighboring countries often enough can increase anxiety, which further explains the increase of anxiety seen in those not in a bordering city.