Describe the participant’s difficulties in communication?
Anderson is non verbal and using little signs as of age 3 due to his motor imitation skills being low. The primary way of communication for Anderson was through his behavior such as showing or leading to what he wanted or needed and also pushing when in protest to something. These are common ways for children with a speech delay to behave to get their needs met. It can be challenging and frustrating for everyone involved when you aren’t getting your needs met be-
cause you are unable to communicate. He was able to get some some sounds that he knew went with some words such as the /m/ when he was trying to say or sign more but that was not always enough to get what he need to say across. 2.
What specific AAC strategy was used to improve the communication? Describe the strat-
egy in detail.
The AAC that was chosen was Picture Exchange (PECS System) for a consistent com-
munication system. The PECS system can be completely customized to fit someones personal needs. It can have as little pictures or as many as needed, when starting out with small children it
is best to use less as to not overwhelm the with all the options. As they grow, the AAC can grow with them by adding more to expanded ones vocabulary. also, as they become more comfortable with using it, they start to use the words as their own and using the AAC when they are unsure. This helps build the confidence to communicate. 3.
What were the main outcomes in this case study? Describe.
The main outcomes were that Anderson started to spontaneously use his device and even started to use it alongside speech in the form or “I want” statements. The ACC helped grow his confidence and his vocabulary. He is also now able to read facial expressions on others and be able to desirer what they are feeling and how to properly respond. I work with students have also
use this form of AAC and watching them first use it and when they are comfortable with it is such an awesome transformation. In this case, I feel it’s no different, getting the steeping stone of
the picture exchange was what he needed to close the gap of consistent communication.