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Apr 3, 2024





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Anthony Putrino Physics Application Paper Also known as the JWST, The James Webb space telescope is an engineering phenomenon that has changed the world of Physics forever. This telescope was launched on December 25 of 2021 into the solar system roughly 930,000 miles from Earth. This telescope was intended to replace its predecessor, the famous Hubble Space Telescope; another telescope that spent about 30 years in the solar system already. The JWST is the next generation telescope expected to use its amazing features to explore the sky, discovering and understanding the sky and our origin. One of the many things we observe in physics is the Doppler effect, which is the change in frequency of sound, light, or other waves as the source and source move toward or away from one another (Science,org, 2013). This same concept can be seen in the James Webb Telescope whenever it is looking at infrared light out in space. The JWST is looking at two different ranges of infrared light: the near-infrared and the mid-infrared. “The near-infrared light is light with wavelengths very close to visible red light. The mid-range infrared is often associated with heat” (Wired, 2022). In most cases, all of the galaxies that we see are moving away from us, so their light appears to have a longer wavelength, leading us to the redshift. The redshift is a result of the wavelengths appearing to be redder because they are longer. Observing the universe in this way indicates different astrophysical processes that are absorbing and emitting these different kinds of lights (Auburn, 2022). Using infrared lights allows us to get a clear view of exoplanets and their atmospheres. The JWST uses spectroscopy to measure the intensity of light at different wavelengths to determine the composition of the exoplanets’
atmospheres (NASA, 2022). It also uses this same technology to further look back at our early universe. Redshifts allows the telescope to see the early particles of the galaxy, almost 100-250 millions years after the Big Bang. Those redder wavelengths shows how far back our galaxy goes and even shows the first galaxies ever formed. The James Webb Space Telescope is a monumental creation that has revolutionized our understanding of space and our galaxies. As we continue to research, we discover new galaxies, celestial bodies, and history. It has been a giant leap forward and will continue to examine every phase of the cosmic world as we know it. This investment in science will help us find answers to our origin as well as the discovery of new planets and whether or not it is habitable. We have yet to experience the full effect of the telescope but can expect that many more discoveries will come with this new technology being used. Citations: Allain, R. (2022, January 7). The Physics of the James Webb Space Telescope . WIRED. telescope/ Cartwright, J. (2013, August 1). A Doppler Effect for Distant Planets . AAAS. Dobrijevic, D., & Howell, E. (2022, July 12). NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope: The ultimate guide . Space.Com. james-webb-space-telescope- jwst.html Physics faculty member discusses significance of James Webb Space Telescope images, technology . (2022, July 20). Auburn University. ea.php
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