

Pasco-Hernando State College *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by MinisterOwlPerson1054

**Quiz: The Marvels of Space Exploration** **Instructions:** Test your knowledge of space exploration by answering the following questions. Choose the correct option for each question. 1. **What is the name of the first artificial satellite launched into Earth's orbit?** a. Apollo 11 b. Sputnik 1 c. Hubble Space Telescope 2. **Which spacecraft carried the first humans to set foot on the Moon?** a. Apollo 13 b. Apollo 11 c. Gemini 8 3. **What is the largest planet in our solar system?** a. Mars b. Jupiter c. Saturn 4. **Which space agency launched the Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity in 2003?** a. NASA b. ESA (European Space Agency) c. ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) 5. **What is the name of the spacecraft that carried the first woman, Valentina Tereshkova, into space?** a. Apollo 11 b. Vostok 6 c. Soyuz 1 6. **Which moon in our solar system is known for having geysers that shoot water vapor into space?** a. Titan (moon of Saturn) b. Europa (moon of Jupiter) c. Enceladus (moon of Saturn) 7. **What is the purpose of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)?** a. Observing exoplanets b. Studying the Sun's atmosphere c. Exploring the asteroid belt 8. **Who was the first human to travel into space?**
a. Yuri Gagarin b. Neil Armstrong c. Alan Shepard 9. **Which space probe provided the first close-up images of Pluto in 2015?** a. Voyager 1 b. New Horizons c. Cassini 10. **What is the name of the current space station that serves as a multinational research laboratory in low Earth orbit?** a. Skylab b. Mir c. International Space Station (ISS) **Answers:** 1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. c 7. a 8. a 9. b 10. c
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