Option #1
The Savior was commanded to teach the Law of Tithing to the Nephites because it was
something that was very important in their day, and still is extremely important today. We are
asked to give 10 percent of our earnings to the Lord to show that we must also make sacrifices as
He did for all of us when he atoned for our sins. As for Malachi's prophecy about turning the
hearts of children to their fathers, to me this emphasizes the importance of family connections
across generations. We are asked to engage in family history work and temple ordinances as
often as we can, and I know that we are blessed for performing these works. Malachi's analogy
of opening the windows of heaven is saying that when you choose to pay tithing and continue to
be faithful you will be abundantly blessed. As I have done history work and studied my family
genealogy, I have felt closer to my Heavenly Father, and I know He is proud of me for doing
these things that we are asked to do. I enjoy doing genealogy and family history work because I
can feel the Spirit when I work, and I also know that Heavenly Father communicates with me
through this work, which has been such a needed blessing in my life recently. I know that paying
tithing and doing family history work are both things that we are asked to do by Heavenly
Father, and that we will be blessed if we do so.