Seminar II_Worksheet



University of Guelph *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by DoctorVultureMaster1018

Seminar II: What about settler colonialism? Indigenous rights and environmental governance GROUP SEMINAR WORKSHEET Q1 : Begin by discussing/ sharing group members’ ideas and insights about settler colonialism (Q3 from the guide). As a group how would you define settler colonialism? Record some initial insights and reflections here. You will return to this question again later. Q2: As a group discuss and consider the actors and interests identified in the individual guides. (record a comprehensive list below). What kind of alignments do you see between different actors? Identify as many alignments as you can. Make note of each alignment and reflect on its significance. (record your group’s insights here) Q3 : As a group Reflect on the alignments you identified above. Consider the relationship between Indigenous communities and fisheries on the one hand and other, non-Indigenous actors (e.g., commercial fishers, aquaculture industry, provincial governments) on the other. How would do you characterize these relationships? Records your group’s observations. Q4: How does settler colonialism influence the ability of Indigenous communities (in BC and New Brunswick) to govern and make decisions about territorial waters and marine resources? How does it affect their access to marine resources (e.g, Salmon and Lobsters)? Identify and explain the significance of at least 3 examples. Example 1: Significance: Example 2: Significance: Example 3:
Significance: Q5 : Reflect on the answers to Q2 &Q3: What do they tell us about how settler colonialism shapes the fisheries governance regime (including the rights and access of Indigenous and non-Indigenous actors). Q6: return to Q1 and consider the group’s initial definition of settler colonialism. Is there anything that you would change about it now? As a group refine your ideas to create a working definition of settler colonialism relative to marine resources and the right to access and manage them.
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