Cultural Anthropology
Define the following terms:
Ethnology –
the study of the origins and cultures of different races and peoples
Kinship –
the relationship between two or more people that is based on common
ancestry, marriage, or adoption
Participant Observation –
the careful watching of a group, in some cases living with its
members and participating in their culture
Ethnography –
the written account of a culture
Participant observation
___ is the main method of study that ethnologists use to
gather information about cultures.
For what is Bronislaw Malinowski known?
Bronislaw Malinowski pioneered this method in his 1 91 5 study of the Trobriand
Islanders in the South Pacific. He immersed himself in their culture, learning their
language and participating in their society. He stated that the anthropologist's goal should
be "to grasp the native's point of view, his relation to life, to realize his vision of his
4. To live in another culture, what do anthropologists have to do?
To live in another culture, anthropologists might have to learn a new language and
adapt to new foods, new hygiene standards, different social conventions, and sometimes
different climates. Because they must face these very personal challenges, most cultural
anthropologists feel that fieldwork provides them with a very deep and intimate kind of
5. To make their conclusions more reliable, researchers (participant observers) should
use objective data. Explain.
To make their conclusions more reliable, researchers should use objective data.
For example, counting populations, mapping, and semi-structured interviews, along with
the notes from their participant observations. Objective data is type of conclusions based
on facts and data and uninfluenced by personal perspectives, prejudices, or emotions
6. To avoid subjectivity, it is also important for researchers to use reflexivity. Explain.
Reflexivity is the practice of reflecting on your own world view, biases, and
impact on the culture you are studying. Researchers should share their work with their
subjects and ask them if their interpretations are accurate