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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by BarristerCrown13330

Name: (Last name first!!) Practice Test 1 Human Anatomy Exam Questions: Skeleton, Articulations, Muscles Instructions: One the bubble sheet, write your last-name first Write the number of your exam packet in the section denoted “Special Codes” Fill in the bubbles Indicate your exam form number in the section denoted “FORM” Sign the back of the bubble sheet where indicated Place all answers on your bubble sheet Put your last name first on this question booklet Be prepared to show your ID when handing in the question booklet and bubble sheet Answer each question by selecting the best correct answer. A note about practice tests: While these questions represent material taught in class, these questions are pulled from old exams. Course material can change from semester to semester; thus, there might be material in this document not covered by the current lecturer, or a lecturer may cover material other than what is in this document. Therefore, use this document to understand the types of questions that may be asked in the real exam. This is not a comprehensive review of the material!
1. Which of the following bones does not belong to a limb girdle? a. Pubis b. Scapula c. Clavicle d. Humerus e. Ilium 2. Which bone in the leg articulates with the talus? a. Tibia b. Patella c. Femur d. Fibula e. More than one of the above bones articulates with the talus 3. Which of the following belong to the axial skeleton? a. Sternum b. Humerus c. Clavicle d. Ilium e. Scapula 4. Which of the following statements about articular cartilage is true ? a. It is found on the ends of bones within synovial joints b. It is not a true cartilage c. It is found in sutures d. All of the above statements about articular cartilage are true 5. Which of the following is true about a symphysis? a. It is composed of fibrocartilage b. It is composed of hyaline cartilage c. It is a freely mobile joint (diarthrosis) d. An example of a symphysis is the knee joint e. None of the above describes a symphysis 6. True or false : Smooth muscle lacks striations. a. True b. False 7. Which of the following bones aids in hearing? a. Hyoid b. Incus c. Lacrimal d. Atlas e. Sacrum
8. Which of the following muscles elevates the mandible? a. Orbicularis oculi b. Masseter c. Platysma d. Buccinator e. Orbicularis oris 9. Which of the following is not a rotator cuff muscle? a. Subscapularis b. Deltoid c. Teres minor d. Supraspinatus e. Infraspinatus 10. True or false : the origin of a muscle is typically appendicular, distal, and/or mobile. a. True b. False 11. Which of the following bones are involved with rotating your head from side-to- side, as in gesturing no ?” a. Sphenoid bone and axis b. Occipital bone and atlas c. Atlas and axis d. Sphenoid bone and atlas e. Axis and C3 12. Which compartment of the leg extends (dorsiflexes) the foot and toes? a. Anterior b. Superficial posterior c. Deep posterior d. Lateral 13. You observe the following features under a microscope: i. Striated ii. Cells appear branched iii. It is mono- or binucleated iv. There are visible intercalated discs b. Cardiac muscle c. Dense regular connective tissue d. Skeletal muscle e. Hyaline cartilage f. Bone
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