BIOL 2401 Lab Introduction to Anatomical Terminology COMPLETE



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wne: OO MR}I0 oate: D117, 24 Lab: Introduction to Anatomical Terminology Introduction You are allowed to use your textbook, notes, the models, and even the Internet for this exercise. The purpose of this exercise is to make you more comfortable with the anatomical terminology that we learned in chapter 1 and that we will be using throughout the next two semesters. Keep in mind that some terms may be more appropriate than others for the same answer. For example, if | asked where your nose was located relative to your ears, “medial” would be appropriate, but if | asked which plane divides your nose from your ears, you’d say “sagittal.” Along with your partner, you can use your existing knowledge of the human body or the anatomical models in class to answer these questions. Of course, you are also allowed to use the book and class notes. Required Materials e Visible Body’s Human Anatomy Atlas app e Articulated skeleton (optional) e Whole body anatomy model (optional) Anatomical Terminology Questions Instructions: Answer the following questions by writing or typing in the space provided. 1. Which plane separates the body into superior and inferior portions? flflflmg_fi\gne Which plane separates the body into anterior and posterior portions? MMLP_‘QDQ_ The oral region is located __[fl_fe_[&r__ to the otic region. The olecranal region is located upe Y\or to the carpal region. The lungs are located d [ flp to the ribs. The umbilical region is located .| ! If LY I. 0 Y to the sternum. It is located in the umbilical abdominal region. 7. The nasal region is located _ Y& d { g\ and Q nteé k '| OY totheotic region. o o M W N 8. A scratch wound that does not penetrate the skin is said to be a _smfi_’m,]_ql__ wound. In contrast, a stab wound that penetrates the skin and muscle is referred to as a wound. 9. The__ &Y ania | cavity encases the brain. 10. The _?_E._\MLQ:___ cavity contains most of the reproductive and urinary organs. 11. The _ML__ cavity encases the lungs.
12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Fill in the following table with the names of the appropriate abdominopelvic regions (note that right and left refer to the body, not the sides of the page). right epigasiric | 1ot hypochondriaci region hypochondriac region region right ympilical left lumoar lymbar region region region rignt iliac | hypogastric | 16F iliac region region region The appendix is located in the flghl_LO_flQL__ abdominopelvic quadrant. What abdominopelvic region is this? 10t i1iAC The spleen is located in the \8.£1 upper abdominopelvic quadrant. What abdominopelvic region is this? jg,fl_hg'mho\viac region A patient who was in a knife fight suffered a 2-inch stab wound to his back. The knife entered through the posterior thorax along the midsagittal plane and entered the posterior aspect. What structure in the posterior aspect would have been injured by this wound? Mgl fl ebfg‘ Colv mh a3 The urinary bladder is found within the hwqgnsm&__ region. asSoclated st YUCTUreS The ML_ cavity contains the heart, and it is surrounded by a membrane called the pevicardium, Name a structure that is located posterior and inferior to the liver. @ Q \\ b & QA 0‘ d e V Name a structure that is on the ventral side of the heart, located more laterally within the axial region. _AAX .I “Ql \ IS’ [Y\Ph hodes Name a structure that is located toward the dorsal side of the body, lateral and superior to the hamstring but inferior to the heart. Note: Transverse sections including this structure would include the pancreas. E\Qhfl&' S Name a structure that is in the medial part of the body, located inferior to the lungs and posterior to the intestines. Note: A coronal section would contain this structure and the heart, and it is more caudal than the pancreas. MMM aorta Name a structure that is located cranial to the abdominal cavity, caudal to the neck, and dorsal to the sternum. _ \ \ [ &V Name a structure that is inferior, appendicular, and very distal. ?hfl \ anX
24. If you are taking an axillary temperature, where would you place the thermometer? armpt 25. Ifyou are testing a patellar reflex, what area are you working on? ‘lqugr_:\j,nmh 26. Mental refers to what part of the body? _ YA\ 27. i you sleep on your stomach, you are sleeping in a pr one position; whereas if you sleep on your back, you are sleepingina__§\) g} ne position. 28. The epigastric region is gupeuor__ the stomach, where the hypogastric region is inferior 29. From our terminology list, you would know that the brachial plexus refers to something that has to do with the __le___ 30. If you are asked to take a buccal swab, which cavity would you swab? ghee ¥ _ 31. Aninjury to the ear would be described as 0 'lns ury 32. Ifapatient has gotten into a fight and comes into the ER with a fracture to his or her cheekbone, how would you describe that fracture using the regions of the face that we discussed in class? _superior 1b ¥ne mandible media\ to ¥he nasal caviyy infeviok +o ¥he Orhital vegion 33. The following picture shows an aneurysm (brain bleed). Looking at the picture and using your terminology, how would you describe the location of the aneurysm? _the patient has an angury§m in the right medial porfion of tne brain
34. In the following figure, label the incision location, given each of the following anatomical descriptions: a. Midsagittal pelvic incision b. Transverse abdominal incision c. Parasagittal thoracic incision \et ¥ . pamsag\’na\ thoraciC incision / C- midsagittal QWIiC incision fransverse qbo\ominal ncision 35. Which organs are in the thoracic cavity? heart, lungs, esophagus , frachea, Wymephatics 36. Which organs are in the abdominal cavity? shhmach , small & large infestine, \iVeY, aallblddder, PANCYeAS , Lidneys vieyus , spleen, pladder , many bloed vessels 37. The wrist would be referred to as ( ) Q Y ? A \ , While the ankle would be referred to as Taysal
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