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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by kristenmthomsen

Kristen Thomsen Chapter 2B: 14. Which muscle contracts to protrude and depress the tongue? The muscle that contracts to protrude and depress the tongue is the genioglossus. The inferior longitudinal and transverse and tip vertical. The inferior longitudinal depresses the tongue and the traverse and tip vertically work together to protrude the tongue. 15. Which muscle is responsible for puckering of the lips? Obicularis oris is responsible for the puckering of the lips. 16. List the four different types of teeth. The four types of different teeth are molars, premolar, canine, and incisors. 17. Name the five palatal muscles. The five palatal muscles are the levator veli palatine, tensor veli palatine, musculus uvale, palatoglossus, and palatopharyngeus. 18. Describe what happens when people have incompetent velopharyngeal closure. People who have incompetent velopharyngeal closure have a nasal sound and also spill food through their nasal cavity during swallowing. 19. What happens to the soft palate in order to produce nasal phonemes? The soft palate stays down to produce nasals. Additionally, the shape of the vocal tract can be changed by movements of the pharyngeal walls, larynx, cheeks, lips, tongue, jaw, and soft palate. These changes result in resonance of the vocal tract and more to change articulation and produce a nasal phenome. 20. Which area is primarily responsible for speech motor planning? The primary area responsible for speech motor planning is Broca's area located in the left hemisphere. 21. Which area is primarily responsible for auditory comprehension? The primary area responsible for auditory comprehension is the Wernicke's area and the temporal lobe. 22. Which areas are connected by the association fibers or the arcuate fasciculus? Broca's and Wernicke's area. 23. What can cause problems with balance and timing control? Damages in the basal ganglia, brainstem, and cerebellum can cause problems with
balance and timing. 24. How many cranial nerves are present in the human body? There are 12 carnival nerves: olfactory, optic, oculomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abducens, facial, vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, vagus, spinal accessory, hypoglossal. 25. How many pairs of spinal nerves are present in the human body? There are 31 spinal nerves. 26. What kind of damage may destabilize blood pressure, heart rate, thirst, hunger, body temperature, sleep, emotional activity, weight control, emotions, sleep cycles, and childbirth? Damage to the hypothalamus causes these damages.
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